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Model  BY0000-56L
( 1_1/2" / 39 mm   Inner Diameter )

My entry into the 21st Century ...

C I T I Z E N , Tokyo / Japan ( bought in 2011 )
Model = BY0000-56L  /  H610 S060257 HST 681020280 GN-4W-S > 12G [*]
CITIZEN has a line of "Aviation Watches"  called  » SKYHAWK «  with
a mixed analog & digital (LCD) surface.  I prefer the "Pure Analog"
Model »BY0000-56L« of the » PERPETUAL CALENDAR « - Line  because it
seems to be the  "Best-Of-Both-Worlds"  combining mechanical beauty
of a SlideRule/Aviation Watch with Radio-/Quartz-/Solar-Technology:

CITIZEN's Model  »BY0000-56L«  has a mechanical surface - but it is
motorized, MICRO-PROCESSOR controlled  and charged by  SOLAR POWER.
( The »ECO-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY« doesn't need an exchangable battery !)
It is a  RADIO Controlled QUARTZ-Chronometer also with STOP WATCH &
DATE DISPLAY. DATE CHANGE is automated, considering  LEAP YEARS.  A
24h-SCALE, a 24h-ALARM, as well as (easy to switch) ALL  TIME ZONES
are useful additional features - also working w/o Radio Connection!

CITIZEN's  Model  » BY0000-56L «  Surface:
Outer Circ.Scales = SlideRule 34 mm Diameter
                    (C) =  easy turnable by the left "8"-Knob;
               Markers: LITERS, FUEL LBS, OIL LBS, IMP GAL, US GAL
                    (D) =  fix;
               Markers: NAUT, STAT, KM
                (h/min) =  Conversion  ( e.g.  4:30 = 270 min )
         Calendar = Automatic Settings ( incl. LeapYears )
        WorldTime = (eg.) LAX = LosAngeles = Pacific Time
                          PAR = Paris = Middle-European Time
        Sub Dials = StopWatch Minutes
                      (+ Power Reserve Check)
                    24h Watch;
                      ( see  R E M A R K [#]... )
                      (+ RadioStation Indication:
                           EUR = DCF77;
                           USA = WWVB;
                           JPN = JJY;
                           CHN = BPC
           Crown [*] (w.Buttons A & B)
                  = Set (World) Time / Set Date;
                    Set (24h) Alarm
            Hands = Hours & Minutes ( = luminous );
                    StopWatch = 0.2 Second Increments
         Accuracy = +/- 15 Seconds per Month (w/o RadioSignal)
        StopWatch = max. 1 Hour
    Upper Knob(B) = StopWatch = Start/Stop/Start/ ...
    Lower Knob(A) = StopWatch = Reset
                      (+ Check Power Reserve)
                      (+ Radio Reception on demand)
    Power Reserve = 8 Month after full charge
 Water Resistance = 20 bar
          Markers : DayLight SavingTime Indication;
                    Signal Reception Indication;
                    Alarm Indication
         See also : WWW.CITIZENWATCH.COM

R E M A R K S  ...  I love my CITIZEN  ...  BUT:
[#] An irritating DESIGN FLAW (against common sense !) is made with
the 24-HOUR-DIAL.  The upper half is bright, the lower half is dark
- OK -  BUT the "24" (= MID-NIGHT) is on top in the BRIGHT HALF and
"12" (= NOON, DAY-TIME) is down in the  DARK HALF ???

[*] A 2nd DESIGN FLAW ...
The area under the CROWN has a huge free room:  Everytime I take out
my hanky, there is a possibility that the rim of my jeans pocket get
in between and pulls & turns the crown !!! This results in change of


After END OF  5 YEAR WARRANTY in 2016, this unwanted wear-and-tear
made the axle locked and broke. CITIZEN  was not willing to sell a
new axle to my repair shop: "REPAIR"  by CITIZEN/USA  was made for
365 US$ in exchange for a NEW CASE with a NEW_ID on its back side.
May be the reason why THIS MODEL IS DISCONTINUED ???

 ... As joked in   ../SlideRules/BREITLING...
In addition to using the  SLIDE RULE for multiplication & division,
it is a "NAVIGATION COMPUTER".  Pilots may perform all calculations
a flight plan requires:  Ground speed,  miles per minute,  gasoline
consumption,  rate or distance  of climb or decent  and  conversion
of nautical and statute miles.                                     

BUT:  In most cases the Co-Pilot has to hold the Magnifying Glass &
      the FlashLight when the Pilot adjust the SlideRule ...     
Have a look at the DISCUSSION ...

                   " CITIZEN vs. BREITLING "
©  C.HAMANN      04/19/17