The H A M A N N - M A N U S Serie was produced in 1925 - 1959
In the beginnng of the production ( 1925... ) a MODEL-IDENTIFICATION
(as "A", "B" & "C") was given beside the serial number. But with
launching the "C" VERSION with a HIGHER BASE, the letter of model
identification was dropped.
The "Collector Community" established an (old) IDENTIFICATION LIST
( with ..."D", "E","F" & "R" ) to discriminate the evolved models.
For model "D" was only O N E PICTURE (without source) available and
an open range of serial numbers between the known "C"/"E" models.
As I found my own MANUS (old)"E", I narrowed the open range more and
( as a joke ), I made in Sept.2008 for the BBST-Meeting in Berlin the
Model »D« Experiment
out of my models "C" & "E" to proof that »D« may be a P H A N T O M:
The Result of RESTORATION / COMBINATION of 2 defect machines !
Now the "Collector Community" / the "Hamann-MANUS Experts" agreed in
dropping the old definition »D« and published ( in HBw-Aktuell 2011 )
With new definitions:
o "new-C" splits into "C1" & "C2" and
o "new-D" covers parts of the "old-E" definition.
My "old-C" is now a »C2« and my "old-E" is now a »D« ...
In Wolf Bluemich's HomePage is a MORE DETAILED OVERVIEW to find ...
© C.HAMANN 09/21/11