TECHNICAL DATA of the Electro-Mechanical Calculator NUMERIA »8213«
Serial Number: 050914
Dimensions: (ca.) Width = 14_1/2" / 37 cm
Depth = 12_1/2" / 32 cm
Height = 6_1/2" / 17 cm
Weight: (ca.) 22 lbs / 10 kg
Power Supply: 110 / 220 V AC / DC
Mechanics: 10*10 Full-Keyboard
SPECIAL N U M E R I A CODING (* see below !) ...
Counter Stepping Mechanism + Animation
Functions: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Registers: Input = 10 Decimals
Counter = 8 Decimals (NO Carry; Neg.Fig.RED)
Arithmetic = 18 Decimals
Lagomarsino, Milano / Italy
H O W T O U S E the NUMERIA 8213
CLEAR the KEYBOARD by pressing the lower right Button.
CLEAR the COUNTER unit by turning the carriage crank clockwise.
CLEAR the ARITHMETIC unit by turning the same crank counter-clockwise.
When the LEVER ON TOP is switched LEFT, THE ARITHMETIC UNIT will
N O T BE CLEARED in its LEFT PART (= Positions 18 .. 10 ).
Shift the CARRIAGE to the left (= Pos. 1) by turning the wheel in front.
Keys [+] & [-] start Add- & Subtract-Procedure and CLEAR KEYBOARD after it.
Keys [x] & [:] start "Multiply"- & "Division"-Procedure
same as [+] & [-] BUT D O N O T CLEAR KEYBOARD after it.
Each bar contains 4 PRE-SET patterns.
Example: 123 + 45 - 6 = 162
ADD: Enter the first number (123) in the far right columns. Press the
PLUS-key [+] to transfer the number into arithmetic unit. The counting
unit displays the figure 1. Enter the second number (45). Press the PLUS-
key [+] to add the number. The arithmetic unit displays the intermediate
sum (168) and the counting unit displays the figure 2.
SUBTRACT: Enter the third number (6). Press the MINUS-key [-]. The
arithmetic unit displays the result (162) and the counting unit is
decreased by 1.
REMARK: NEGATIVE RESULTS are displayed in the arithmetic unit
as the COMPLEMENT of the next higher 10, 100, 1000, ...
Example: -12 = 99...9988
Example: 123 x 45 = 5535
Clear counter and arithmetic units.
Enter the multiplicand (123) in the far right columns. The multiplicator
(45) has two digits, so the arithmetic unit is moved to position 2 with a
clockwise turn of the wheel in front. Repeat pressing the Key [x] until
the first figure of the multiplicator (4) will appear in the 2nd position
of the counter unit. Move the arithmetic unit to position 1. Repeat
pressing Key [x], until the second figure of the multiplicator (5) appears
in the 1st position of the counter unit. The multiplication is done: The
multiplicand (123) stays in keyboard, the multiplicator (45) is in the
counter unit and the result (5535) is in the arithmetic unit.
Example: 22 : 7 = 3.1428571 Remainder 3
Division requires 3 steps:
(A) To Set the Dividend into Arithmetic Unit:
For the maximum number of decimals, pull out the arithmetic unit to the
far right position. Enter the dividend (22) in the far right columns.
Press the PLUS-key [+] to transfer into arithmetic unit.
(B) To Set the Divisor in the Keyboard:
Clear the counter unit by turning the carriage crank clockwise.
Enter the divisor (7) below the dividend (22).
(C) To Divide:
Press Key [:] until the arithmetic unit shows an "underflow". Press
Key [x] once to correct. Move the carriage to the next left position.
Repeat this procedure until the required number of decimals ...
The result (3.1428571) is in the counter unit ( in RED ), and the
remainder (3) is in the arithmetic unit. The divisor (7) stays in the
input unit, therefore an additional decimal can be estimated ...
( 4, cause 4 x 7 = 28).
The lower left "ITEM-COUNTER" lever:
Because the counter has no 10s-carry, there is no "build-in" counting of the
items to add. Here the "Item-Counter" lever is useful: When the LEFT KEY [1]
is pressed and the NEIGHBOR-LEFT KEY shifted towards KEY [1], KEY [1] is
locked. Now the arithmetic unit will count the items in the left column.
The "CLEAR KEYBOARD" Button will NOT clear this [1] key - and when the
LEVER ON TOP is switched LEFT, the count will stay when the arithmetic unit
will be cleared. Shifting the NEIGHBOR-LEFT KEY left will release Key [1].
Have a look at "Calculating Trickies" ...
(*) R E M A R K S :
The COUNTER-FIGURES ( WHITE/RED ) follows the "MONROE-TYPE"-Scheme ...
The NUMERIA looks like a MONROE- or NISA-CLONE - BUT I T I S N O T :
See M.REESE & P.HAERTEL » NUMERIA - nur scheinbar eine MONROE-Tochter «
In this 2007 Paper the "DISCOVERY" was made public ...
There are two S T I C K E R S on the case ( front & back ), refering to
an office machine shop in MONTMARTRE / PARIS ...
... Wished the calculator could tell his story!
PS.: The boring military brown-green appearance of the NUMERIA is contrasted
by my SKAT-Mug. The card game "Skat" is popular in Germany like "Fussball".
And there is a RELATION: The word "Skat" came from the Italien "scartare"
(= "put aside" ) refering to the two cards placed upside-down on the desk.
© C.HAMANN 04/17/11