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ARISTO - STUDIO   ( 25 cm Scales )
Have a look at an Older Version (A1)
Have a look at an Older Version (A2)

ARISTO-Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany             (1973)
                                                      VERSION (B)

S C A L E S   of  the   ARISTO     » S T U D I O «     Model 0968
Front Side            [ inverse / RED ]                 Back Side

ST        arc(0.01X)                     [LL01]     [exp(-0.01X)]
T1        tan(0.1X)                      [LL02]     [exp(-0.1X)]
T2        tan(X)                         [LL03]     [exp(-X)]
DF        πX                             A          X2
CF        πX                             B          X2
[CIF]     [1/πX]                         L          lgX
[CI]      [1/X]                          K          X3
C         X                              C          X
D         X                              D          X
[P]       [sqrt(1 - (0.1X)2)]            LL3        exp(X)
S         sin(0.1X);                     LL2        exp(0.1X)
          [cos(0.1X)]                    LL1        exp(0.01X)

R E M A R K S :   3 Model 0968 are in the Collection (A1, A2 & B)
Version (B)      P.Code = 2LST4 = Hamburg, 1973, (TERLURAN) Lot 4
-----------    There are  2 TANGENT SCALES  T1 & T2  available
             Cursor-End-Plates are made of plastic (with "grips")

The slide rule is shielded in a hard-cover case.  A »1364« Ruler
with Conversion-Tables, Log-Scales and ( NZ = "Norm Zahlen" = )
"Standard Number Sequences" and two Stands (to clip on the
slide rule for comfortable reading!) belongs to the set together
with an instruction booklet.

Have a look at Version (A1) ...
Have a look at Version (A2) ...

                     Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN       08/24/07