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( 25 cm Scales )

FEINMESSINSTITUT JOE KLAWUN, Berlin / Germany                       (1933)

S C A L E S   of  the   J O E   K L A W U N    ( Merchant )    Model 333/S
Front Side    Scales in [RED] & {GREEN}                          Back Side
( 0 ... 27 cm Ruler )

n3           X3
(DF)         3.6*X   KZ:    K = Start-Kapital, Z = Zinsen
[CF]         [3.6*X]        T = Tage             S   sin(0.01X); sin(0.1X)
{Val., p%}   {1/X}   Val.; p% = Prozentsatz      L   lgX
[E, T]       [X]     E ;    T = Tage             T   tan(0.1X)
n, V, Z      X       V ;    Z = Zinsen
n2           X2

( 0 ... 10" Ruler )

R E M A R K S :
The SINUS-MARK on its Back-Side is useless !!!  TO USE  SINUS,  the slider
has to be turned  -  SINUS  is keyed to the  n2 -Scale  on the lower body!

The CURSOR's  Outer-HAIRLINES  show   AREA  ..  PS(=HP)  on the n2 -Scale.

This » Merchant SR « is made of mahagony  with scales on celluloid veneer.
On its back side are instructions how to use a slide rule.  On its body is
engraved:  » No.333/S  JOE KLAWUN  Berlin-Charlottenburg « .  It came in a
black cardboard case with the only printings of BLIND TRIANGLES:  This too
may be the indication for, that the slide rule was made by  N E S T L E R.

The (DF),[CF]-Scales are folded at  3.6 * X  for Days-of-the-Year.

Here the (German-) named scales are marked with their common symbols
in brackets (DF),[CF]  -  The formula & translation:

  Zinsen (in % ) = Z = ( K * p * n )/100 ;   n = Jahre = Tage/360

( Z = Interest; K = Capital; p = Interest Rate; n = Years; T = Days )

  E = Einkaufspreis ( = Wholesale Price )
  V = Verkaufspreis ( = Retail Price )       Val. = Valuta = Currency

                         Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN            11/11/09