User's Guide for MulTEx - The Multi Tier Exception Handling Framework


The main goal of this user's guide is to tell, how to quickly introduce robust and diagnostic exception handling and reporting into a Java software system.

These hints are easier to follow, if you are writing a software system from scratch, but can be applied onto existing software, as well.

You should introduce it according to these priorities:

  1. introduce central exception reporting,

  2. assure exception propagation to the highest possible level,

  3. provide all exceptions with diagnostic parameters,

  4. provide natural message texts for all execptions.

When you are using MulTEx, the main paradigm for error handling and reporting are Java exceptions. Any misfunction will be passed to the caller of a method by the standard Java means, an exception. This will be propagated to the upmost level, where it still can be caught, in order to report it. Handling of an individual exception should rarely be necessary.

Depending on the type of user interface, there are different places, where you can catch all propagated exceptions. Sometimes it is not simple to find this place in the UI documentation. Sometimes you will not be able to find it, and must use a workaround in order to assure central exception reporting.

In a Java Swing application, you should report all exceptions by a variant of the static methods. These report firstly a window with the messages of the exception causal chain/tree. Then pressing on the button Details will expand the dialog and show the stack traces of the exception chain/tree, too.

Usually the variant of method with an owner component should be used, as it will block further input to the owner component or its parent window, until the exception message dialog has been closed by the user.

In order to report all uncaught exceptions in a Swing application, which occur during the execution of an UI-event-triggered action, it is sufficient to install one central exception handler using the undocumented system property sun.awt.exception.handler, see more in a JGuru discussion.

This undocumented behaviour is wrapped by a MulTEx service. You can implement the interface multex.AwtExceptionHandler, and install this class by the method multex.Awt.setAwtExceptionHandlerClass. Then any exception propagating up to the AWT/Swing event-dispatch thread will be reported by the handler's method handle(Throwable). In this method you should call a method.

In order to block input to the GUI application while reporting an exception, it is necessary to locate the application's frame and use it in the central exception handler's call to report(...) as the ownerHook.

If an application has several frames, and it is not possible to determine automatically, which UI component must be blocked during exception reporting, then you should use an own UiAction base class as was described earlier.

Attention: Propagating an exception from the method actionPerformed will leave Swing in a dirty state. Sometimes the focus of a menu item will be highlighted in another place, than where Swing assumes it to be. So you should on the one hand install such a last-resort exception reporting, but nevertheless you need an UiAction for reporting exceptions in all user-triggered actions.

In a Java Server Pages application, you have several places, where you should report exceptions. These include firstly a JSP error page, which will be called by any unhandled exception. Secondly each JSP page with an input form should contain an error message, if something went wrong during execution of its action. Thirdly, depending on the UI framework used, there is the possibility to report an exception near to the form field, which caused it.

Here is described the solution of the student project TriplePlay in summer 2005.

The JavaServer Faces life cycle (see is directed by an implementation of the interface Lifecycle (in the package javax.faces.lifecycle. The reference implementation of Sun is com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl).

When the web application is started, a LifecycleFactory (also in package javax.faces.lifecycle, reference implementation of Sun is com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactoryImpl) is asked to return a Lifecycle object. Normally the standard implementation will be taken. But you have the possibility to change the LifecycleFactory, and to return your own Lifecycle implementation.

In detail: Here are the two classes, which we have written. You can subclass the reference implementation, or you can completely implement the interface. We take the first approach.

package myPackage; //
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.lifecycle.Lifecycle;

public class MyLifecycleFactoryImpl 
extends com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactoryImpl 

  public Lifecycle getLifecycle(final String i_lifecycleId) 
  throws FacesException 
    return new MyLifecycleImpl();


package myPackage; // 

import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

public class MyLifecycleImpl extends com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl {

  public void execute(final FacesContext io_facesContext) {
    try {
    } catch(final FacesException e) {
      // handleExceptions here


Now we still have to instruct JavaServer Faces, that we want to use our own LifecycleFactory implementation instead of the default implementation. This we have to do in the file faces-config.xml (a configuration file similar to struts-config.xml).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
           "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN"


Having done this, our implementation of the LifecycleFactory will be used, which in turn will deliver in the method getLifecycle (see before) our own Lifecycle implementation.

If there remain questions, I will try to answer them. You can mention my addresses in this little howto, so that future students can ask me, if necessary.

Siamak Haschemi, E-Mail: info (at),

If the run() method of a thread terminates due to an uncaught exception, then by default, this thread will die and the stack trace of this exception will be printed to System.err.

This default behaviour is not satisfactory. At first, we would like to see the exception message chain, too. And secondly, we would really like to see it in the application's user interface, instead of in a may-be suppressed console output.

The concepts behind MulTEx are described in german language in the technical paper Konzepte.pdf.

Here are given more practical instructions.

The most comfortable way to get an internationalizable message text pattern associated with each exception is the following, usable from MulTEx version 7.1.

You define the message text pattern for each concrete subclass of Throwable of which you have the source code. You place the text pattern as the main comment into the Javadoc comment of the exception class before any @tags. So the text pattern serves firstly as documentation for this exception, and secondly as text pattern for internationalization.

For example you could define an exception CreditLimitExc with a message text pattern, expecting two message parameters, as follows.


class Account {

    /**Taking {0} units from your ac
    * count will leave less than your credit limit {1} units on it.
    public static final class CreditLimitExc extends multex.Exc {}

For Failures there is no difference. You only have to declare the exception as a subclass of multex.Failure. For example in class

    /**Failure loading file {0} by user {1}*/
    public static final class LoadFileFailure extends multex.Failure {}
These exception declarations are so simple, as all diagnostic information (causes and parameters) are stored in the MulTEx base class, Exc, or Failure, respectively. For ease of use they should be initialized using the generic create method in the MultexUtil class, rather than the init-methods. So the concrete exception class merely serves with its class name as a key to a message text resource bundle.

<target name="exception" depends="compile" 
    description="Collect all exception message texts in the fb6 software into one file"
    <property name="ExceptionResourcesFile" 
    <echo file="${ExceptionResourcesFile}" append="false">
    #Generated by ANT-Target _resources. Do not edit.
multex.MsgText.causeMarker = Ursache: 
    #From here are following the message texts for the exceptions in the software system.
    #They are all collected from the main Javadoc texts of each exception declaration.
        <arg value="-out"/> 
        <!--Message texts will be appended to this file.-->
        <arg file="${ExceptionResourcesFile}"/>
        <!--All exceptions in all Java files in this directory will be processed.-->
        <fileset dir="java"/>

The former example works as follows. The echo element creates a file with a string resource for the key multex.MsgText.causeMarker. This defines the german translation for the default cause marker CAUSE:. Then the multex.tool.ExceptionMessagesDoclet appends all exception message text patterns for all exceptions declared in all Java files in the directory java to the .properties file. The given encoding is used to interpret the Java source files. For writing to the -out file always encoding ISO-8859-1 is used, as .properties files must use it.

A method should usually perform its normal specified action. But it often has cases, which are forbidden to be handled like this. In such situations the method should throw an Exc object of a specific subclass.

So typically the necessity for throwing an Exc can be found out by testing a precondition. You should test one precondition after another, always immediately throwing a specific exception. It is understood, that these exceptions should be specified in the throws clause of the method, so that the programmer of the call can consider to change the call or to make a handler for some of them. Here we complete the above example of the bank account .

import multex.Exc;
import static multex.MultexUtil.create;

class Account {

    final static long creditLimit = -5000;
    long balance = 0;
    /**Transfers the specified amount from this account 
    * to the destination account.
    * @throws CreditLimitExc the new balance of the account would become 
    * less than the creditLimit.
    public void transfer(final Account destination, final long amount)
    throws CreditLimitExc 
        //1. Checking for business rule violations:
        final long newBalance = balance - amount;
        if(newBalance < creditLimit){
            throw create(CreditLimitExc.class, amount, creditLimit);

        //2. Performing modifications:
        balance = newBalance;
        destination.balance += amount; 
    /**Taking {0} units from your account\t
    * will leave less than your credit limit {1} units on it.
    public static final class CreditLimitExc extends Exc {}
Please note here, that for comfortably creating a new parameterized exception object, as we cannot inherit parameterized constructors in Java, we have to call the static generic factory method MultexUtil.create, and pass the class of the desired exception, along with its parameters.

There are some places, where it is recommended to catch an exception, and to wrap it into a parameterized exception with its own message text.

The first is, if the exception is a checked one, and you don't want to specify it in the throws cause of your own method. Then the compiler forces you to catch it. In the catch branch you shoud usually wrap it.

The other is, even with an unchecked exception, if you want to add abstraction-specific diagnostic parameters, or a message text.

We present here as an example the code for opening a serial port by means of javax.comm, as was more detailedly motivated in the german text Konzepte.pdf.

package x;
import multex.Exc;
import multex.Failure;
import static multex.MultexUtil.create;

class SerialPort {


    /**Opens the serial port with the given name and the other communication parameters.*/
    public void open( 
        String portName, int baudRate, int databits, int stopbits, int parity 
    ) throws NameExc, OpenFailure {
        //1. Checking for business rule violations:
            throw create(NameExc.class, portName); 

        //2. Performing modifications:
        try { 
            this.portName = portName; 
            final javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier portId 
            = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(portName); //NoSuchPortException
            sp = (javax.comm.SerialPort),0); //PortInUseException
            sp.setSerialPortParams( baudRate, databits, stopbits, parity ); 
            os = sp.getOutputStream(); //IOException
            is = sp.getInputStream(); //IOException 
        } catch (Exception e) { 
            ... //free resources 
            //wrap exception and parameterize:
            throw create(OpenFailure.class, e, 
                portName, baudRate, databits, stopbits, parity
        } //catch
    } //open

    /**The serial port name {0} is not allowed.*/
    public static final class NameExc extends Exc {}

    /**Cannot open the serial port "{0}" with communication parameters portName
    * ={1}, baudRate={2}, databits={3}, stopbits={4}, parity={5}
    public static final class OpenFailure extends Failure {}

} //SerialPort
Here we have the typical case, that the whole modification part of the method body is surrounded by a try-block, in whose catch-branch we catch any Exception and propagate it by throwing a Failure encapsulating the original exception aside with diagnostic parameters. The caught exceptions include the checked exceptions NoSuchPortException, PortInUseException, UnsupportedCommOperationException, and IOException, where commented and any other subclass of java.lang.RuntimeException. You always have to pass the causing exception to the first parameter of MultexUtil.create after the failure's class.

There are some cases, when a Failure does not have only one cause. This typically occurs, when processing a list of items, each of them being necessary for the success of the complete operation.

For example we want to copy a list of files to a backup directory. Only if we succeed to copy every file, the whole method can be considered successfull.

The first approach is

    /**Copies all files from directory sourceDir to directory destDir.*/
    public static void copyFiles1(final File sourceDir, final File destDir){
        try {
            final File[] files = sourceDir.listFiles();
            for(final File file: files){
                copyOneFile(file, destDir);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw create(CopyFilesFailure1.class, sourceDir, destDir);
This method succeeds only, if all files can be successfully copied from the source directory to the destination directory. The first failing copying of a single file will cause the abrupt termination of the complete operation. The resulting CopyFilesFailure exception will have as cause only the exception of the first file copy failure.

Sometimes we need the exception of each failed single item. For example a compiler always works like this. It collects error messages, but goes on analyzing the source text. The compilation will fail, if there is at least one error, but all errrors will be reported.

If we want our copy files example to handle errors like this, we must collect the individual exceptions before creating the CopyFilesFailure2. Then we can pass in this collection to the polymorphic Object[] parameters. This is best done by using the constructor Failure(String,Collection) with a null String. If we want to pass in normal message parameters, too, as in our example sourceDir and destDir, we should add them to the collection before the exceptions. Then they have a fixed index for the message pattern. The following example with an exception collection is a bit longer, but gives much more diagnostic information.

/**Copies all files from directory sourceDir to directory destDir.*/
public static void copyFiles2(final File sourceDir, final File destDir){
    final Collection<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>();
    final File[] files = sourceDir.listFiles();
    for(final File file: files){
        try {
            copyOneFile(file, destDir);
        } catch (Exception e) {
    if (parameters.size()>=2) {
        throw new CopyFilesFailure2(parameters);

/**Failure copying files from directory {0} to directory {1}*/
public static final class CopyFilesFailure2 extends Failure {
    public CopyFilesFailure2(Collection i_parameters) {
        super((String)null, i_parameters);

By the way, giving each exception the potential of a list of causing exceptions, results in spanning a causal tree of exceptions. The standard MulTEx services for printing an exception will express the causal tree by indenting the lower exceptions by a + sign for each level.


The standard Java services for printing an exception (Throwable.toString() and Throwable.printStackTrace) will ignore causal trees built like this. So be certain, that you have installed centralized exception reporting using MulTEx services.