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DC-MULTIMETER   » μA - M U L T I Z E T «  

LAB - DC - MULTIMETER   »  μA - M U L T I Z E T «   SIEMENS & HALSKE  (1960)
Dimension:   ( W-D-H )    110 mm x 145 mm x 70 mm   /   4_1/4" x 5_3/4" x 2"

Class 1:  300 mV ..1000 V ;  20 μA ..10 A ;  x1 Ω ..x1000 Ω  < 50000 Ω / V >
                                                             < Ri(I) ~ 5kΩ >
1.5 Volt Battery    <  REMARK:  1/2 of a  3 Volt,   eg. VARTA DUPLEX 3010  >
                            See in "FAQs" a picture of this BATTERY TYPE ...

Press the BUTTON on the left side and adjusting the  ZERO-OHM  on the right.

R E M A R K S   T O   R E S T O R A T I O N :
The Multimeter came with rattling glass and crumbled black glass-glue pieces
on the scale. After disassembling, removing all dirt, a frame of black card-
board was made to seal the cleaned glass. Because the case was open, and the
DC-Model has definite  +/- POLES,  the old black plugs  got replaced against 
the much more vivid looking BLUE & RED PLUGS, like in the REPAIR PROJECT ...

                  Have a Look at Newer »MULTIZET« Versions ...
© C.HAMANN              04/06/12