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Home-made TEST UNIT for the

A   T E S T - U N I T   for  the  WESTON  PORTABLE   W A T T - M E T E R
Instead  "Flying Wires Experiments"  when demonstrating  this  beautiful
Watt-Meter, I decided to build also a US-Version of a TEST-UNIT. Typical
APPLICATION:  How much (not longer readable) "WATT" has this older light
bulb ?  ...  Answer: " 40 WATT !"


The  WIRE DIAGRAM  of the  » WATT-METER TESTER-2 «  shows 2 FIXTURES for
light bulbs ( L1 & L2,  with an insert for small bulbs ),  a DUAL-POWER-
PLUG  ( P1 & P2 )  to test eg. Heaters or Fans  and 3 EXTENSION-PLUGS to
test "Other Devices".  The  GLOW-LAMP  on the left  indicates that power
is connected. The SWITCH has its "OFF" position in the middle. It allows
to power the object (= "TEST") before the ( colored ) measurement cables
from the Watt-Meter are plugged in. In position "WATT" the Watt-Meter is
in the loop. 
                     Back to the WATT METER Side ...
© C.HAMANN          12/11/13