We congratulate you on your new
Brunsviga Calculating Machine 13 RM
which will certainly provide much enjoyment
due to its ease of operation and speed
with which it carries out all calculations.

These instructions will acquaint you
with the many advantages of this model
and it will be beneficial to read the instructions
thoroughly before using your new Calculating Machine.

And now, lots of success!


Table of Contents

   Operation of the Machine
Setting Levers and Check Register
Cancelling out of the Setting Mechanism
The Product Register
The Multiplier Register with Tens Transmission
Cancellation of the Multiplier Register
Combined Cancellation
Step-by-Step Tabulating
Tabulating Step-by-Step or Intermittently
Back Transfer with one Hand
Decimal Point Slide Bar and Reading of Value
Calculating the 4 Basic Kinds of Calculation
  Directions for 10 Calculating Problems
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Subtraction below Zero
4. Multiplication
5. Shortened Multiplication
6. Multiple Multiplication
7. Accumulation of Products
8. Difference of Products
9. Division by Subtraction
10. Division by Addition


Operation of the Machine

The Brunsviga 13 RM, your new Calculating Machine, stands before you. You have just unpacked it, and now you wish to get to know the machine and how to operate it as quickly as possible.

The Brunsviga 13 RM is immediately ready for operation; you can start.

Please place the machine on the right in front of you in such a manner that you can turn the crank comfortably and also have a clear view of all the 3 registers.

The operating handle is drawn out a little from its rest, after which you turn the handle a few times to the right and a few times to the left for pratice, without, however, letting it go back into the rest after each turn. All crank rotations should be made quickly and evenly avoiding sudden jerks. Once you have com- menced to turn the handle, the revolution must be completed, i.e. you cannot reverse the direction of rotation in the middle of a revolution.


Setting Levers and Check Register

The number is set by means of the levers in the setting mechanism. You will see that the setting track of each of the levers is marked with the numbers 1 -- 9.

If you, therefore, wish to set any number, e.g. 5 you draw the lever up to the embossed [5]. You will notice that the [5] also appears in the check register after setting. In the case of multiple digit values it is of most advantage to put the figures into the machine starting from the left and beginning with the first digit, i.e. for instance in the case of the 5-digit number 27354, the 5th lever is first of all set to [2], (the setting levers are numbered by means of the digit numbers above the setting control mechanism), then the 4th lever is set to [7], the 3rd lever to [3], the 2nd lever to [5] and the 1st lever to [4]. Now as a control, the number 27354 can be read off from the check register.

Please practice a little with any arbitrary numbers.

Cancelling out of the Setting Mechanism

The setting mechanism and, with it, simultaneously the check register can be cancelled out by pulling the cancellation lever from back to front and then releasing it again.


The Product Register

Now you will have to get to know the product register. This is located in the right-hand portion of the carriage and has a capacity of 13 digits. The separate digits are marked, as in the setting mechanism, by means of small consecutively running figures from the right to the left. The product register is cancelled out, (i.e. brought back to zero) by pulling the left-hand cancellation lever to the front and then releasing it again.


The Multiplier Register with Tens Transmission

The purpose of the multiplier register is to count the revolutions of the operating handle. It is located in the left-hand portion of the carriage. As in all the other mechanisms the 8 digits are marked by numbers; each of the markings indicates the position of the carriage in this particular case. The multiplier register of the 13 RM is also equipped with a reversing gear which enables optional counter-rotation. The shift lever can occupy 3 positions: plus-neutral-minus. Its basic position is at neutral and corresponding to the first rotation of the operating handle it is set to either [+] or [-]. Once the lever is in one of these positions it will remain there until you return the counter to zero, when it will again go to the central position. Normally, you need not touch this reversing lever as it functions automatically, but if you wish to change the direction of rotation of the counter wheels, you may move it by hand; always remembering to see first of all that the handle is in its neutral position. This reversing lever has many uses, as by using this mechanism, both the product and counter registers can react either positively or negatively simultaneously, or in opposite directions.

Cancellation of the Multiplier Register

The multiplier register is cancelled out by means of the right-hand cancellation lever. This is pulled to the front and then released. The counter will then be set to [zero] and the shift lever is again in [neutral].


Combined Cancellation

The cancellation levers for the product register and for the multiplier register have been designed in such a manner that they can be operated by a combination grip with 2 fingers (best results are achieved if forefinger and middle finger are used), thus producing a combined cancellation. Thus, both registers can be cancelled out with one movement only.


Step-by-Step Tabulating

Below the operating handle there is a shift rocker arm, arranged as a double handle and by means of which the carriage can be moved step-by-step into the required calculating position. This rocker arm enables the operation of the machine to be carried out with one hand only.


Tabulating Step-by-Step or Intermittently

The shift-key attached to the front of the machine offers another possibility of moving the carriage to the required calculating position. The shift-key can be moved to the right or to the left. When doing so, the carriage will always move one position in the same direction.

This key can also be pressed in, so that the carriage is then released. It can then be moved by any number of positions.


Back Transfer with one Hand

The Brunsviga 13 RM also possesses back-transfer equipment by means of which resuits can be transferred back to the setting mechanism. For this purpose the setting mechanism is cancelled out, the retransfer lever (front right on carriage) is shifted upwards and then the product register is cancelled out. The value from the product register is now automatically set in the setting mechanism, ready to use for the next calculation.


Decimal Point Slide Bar and Reading of Value

All three registers of the Brunsviga 13 RM are equipped with decimal point rails, on to which are attached decimal point indicators. These can be pushed to any required position in order to facilitate the reading off of the value.


Calculating the 4 Basic Kinds of Calculation

Calculating the 4 basic kinds of calculation on the Brunsviga calculating machine is done as variations of digit setting, carriage tabulation, operating handle rotation, reading of values and cancellation.

The procedure of the most important calculating work is briefly shown in the following practical numerical examples.

Directions for 10 Calculating Problems

1. Addition

Problem: 17 + 31 + 58 = 106

   Basic position
   Set lever 2 at 1
   Set lever 1 at 7
   One + turn
   Cancellation lever setting mechanism
   Set lever 2 at 3
   Set lever 1 at 1
   One + turn
   Cancellation lever setting mechanism
   Set lever 2 at 5
   Set lever 1 at 8
   One + turn


2. Subtraction

Problem: 23 - 17 = 6

   Basic position
   Set lever 2 at 2
   Set lever 1 at 3
   One + turn
   Cancellation lever setting mechanism
   Set lever 2 at 1
   Set lever 1 at 7
   One - turn


3. Subtraction below Zero

Problem: 12 - 14 = -2

   Basic position
   Set 12 (levers 2 -- 1 )
   One + turn
   Cancellation lever setting mechanism
   Set 14 (levers 2 -- 1 )
   One - turn
   Cancellation lever setting mechanism
   Retransfer lever
   Cancellation lever product register
   One - turn


4. Multiplication

Problem: 13 x 12 = 156

   Set 13 (levers 2 -- 1)
   Carriage position 2
   One + turn
   Basic position
   Two + turns


5. Shortened Multiplication

Problem: 54 x 98 = 5292

   Set 54 (levers 2 -- 1 )
   Carriage position 3
   One + turn
   Basic position
   Two - turns


6. Multiple Multiplication

Problem: 21 x 89 x 124 = 231756

   Set 21 (levers 2 -- 1 )
   Carriage position 3
   One + turn
   Carriage position
   One - turn
   Basic position
   One - turn
   Cancellation lever setting mechanism
   Retransfer lever
   Combined cancellation
      multiplier register and product register
   Carriage position 3
   One + turn
   Carriage position 2
   Two + turns
   Basic position
   Four + turns


7. Accumulation of Products

Problem: (379 x 15.4) + (67 x 21.3) = 7263.7

   Set 379 (levers 3 -- 1 )
   Carriage position 3
   One + turn
   Carriage position 2
   Five + turns
   Basic position
   Four + turns
   Cancel setting and multiplier registers
   Set 67 (levers 2 -- 1 )
   Carriage position 3
   Two + turns
   Carriage position 2
   One + turn
   Basic position
   Three + turns


8. Difference of Products

Problem: (6349 x 213) - (4127 x 109) = 902494

   Set 6349 (levers 4 -- 1)
   Carriage position 3
   Two + turns
   Carriage position 2
   One + turn
   Basic position
   Three + turns
   Cancel setting and multiplier registers
   Set 4127 (levers 4 -- 1 )
   Carriage position 3
   One - turn
   Carriage position 2
   One - turn
   Basic position
   One + turn


9. Division by Subtraction
    (tear-down Division)

Problem: 645372 : 2758 = 234

   Set 645372 (levers 6 -- 1 )
   Carriage position 8
   One + turn
   Cancel setting and multiplier registers
   Set 2758 (levers 6 -- 3)
   Three -- turns (bell signal)
   One + turn
   Carriage position 7
   Four -- turns (bell signal)
   One + turn
   Carriage position 6
   Five -- turns (bell signal)
   One + turn


10. Division by Addition
      (build-up Division)

Problem: 30336 : 237 = 128

   Set 237 (levers 3 -- 1 )
   Carriage position 8
   One + turn
   Carriage position 7
   Three + turns
   Carriage position 6
   Two -- turns


B. 24.229-1964 L|13/3.00 - DIN A 5 - INGRO Printed in Spain

* Modified RePrint U.S.A. 2003 *
