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W = 21 cm / 8_1/4 " ;   H = 23.5 cm / 9_1/4 " ;   D = 16.5 cm / 6_1/2 "

A T M O S         Jaeger-LeCoultre, ValleeDeJoux / Switzerland (1970)
                  Model  » ATMOS 528-8 «        SerialNumber = 562293

This famous Clock runs permanent, driven by Air Temperatur / Pressure

                  HOW THE ATMOS CLOCK WORKS ...

H I S T O R I C A L    R E M A R K S :
In 1928  the French engineer  Jean-Leon Reutter  constructed  a clock
driven  by air.  Clock  makers  Edmond Jaeger  and  Antoine LeCoultre
perfected  & patented the perpetual motion  » ATMOS CLOCK «  and 1932
begin marketing it  world wide.  Our SN indicates  that this ATMOS is
one of the  last with  "genuine"  Reutter design.  In 1983  LeCoultre
redesigned the ATMOS totaly and started the new model with SN 600000.

There is a lot of information about the  » ATMOS CLOCK «  in the WWW.
Details & Hints, Tech Drawings and more Historical Remarks  e.g.:
                                     +   ...
© C.HAMANN         11/11/09