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( 4" / 10 cm  Diameter )

Soldering a KEY out of Brass-Pipes ...

... after cleaning & oiling ... all is well now ...

B R A S S   S H I P S   C L O C K     » NEPTUNE « / Germany (1930)
Distributed by  S A L E M   CLOCK CO., Hartford, Connecticut / USA

The chiming pattern reflects the 30 min.  SAND-GLASS  TURNS:
8 "Glasen" equals 4 HOURS, which is a sailor's work shift.

   8:00 = ping-ping, ping-ping, ping-ping, ping-ping.
        =  8   C H I M E S  =  END-Of-Shift / START-New-Shift ...

   9:30 = ping.
  10:00 = ping-ping.
  10:30 = ping-ping, ping.
  11:00 = ping-ping, ping-ping.
  11:30 = ping-ping, ping-ping, ping.
  12:00 = ping-ping, ping-ping, ping-ping, ping-ping.
        =  8   C H I M E S  =  END-Of-Shift / START-New-Shift ...
                   With full winding the Ships Clock runs 8 days.
© C.HAMANN       07/09/23