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FACIT   CA1-13

Observe the unusual (female) plug with diagonal slots (*)

Have a look inside

TECHNICAL  DATA   of  the  Electro-Mechanical  Calculator       FACIT CA1-13

Serial Number:      636312 (= Outside; Inside: 223539 = back ; 37(8) = top)

Dimensions:  (ca.)  Width   =  11_1/2 " /  29 cm
                    Depth   =  11     " /  28 cm
                    Height  =   7_1/2 " /  19 cm

Weight:      (ca.)  28_1/2 lbs  /  13 kg

Power Supply:       220 V / 70 W   AC

Mechanics:          10-Keyboard (DALTON type)
                    Serial-to-parallel conversion with
        Principle:  Pin-Wheel / Sprossenrad
          Special:  FACIT's Solution

Functions:          Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
                    Full-motorized Arithmetic!

Registers:               I  Arithmetic  =  13 Decimals
                        II  Counter     =   8 Decimals
                       III  Input       =   9 Decimals
                    Hidden  Memory      =   8 Decimals
                  ( with a  » FACIT DUESSELDORF GERMANY «  seal )


B A S I C S :
 o  CLEARING REGISTERS  with the red keys [I], [II] & [III]
 o  [1],[2],..[0],[5],[6],..[9] KEYS for serial input (left-to-right)
 o  The actual POSITION of the INPUT UNIT is marked with a red arrow-pair
    refering to registers I & II  (pointing the least significant digit)
 o  [ADD]  ADDS the entered number to the content of the arithmetic unit
           and CLEARS the input
 o  [ + ]  CONTINUOUS ADDITION as long as the key is pressed;
           when released: STEP-TO-LEFT, IF MAIN SWITCH is set:
 o  MAIN SWITCH (down left) controls 
      * STEPPING:
          -  Left »MULT«-Position: Stepping right-to-left
          -  Right »DIV«-Position: Stepping left-to-right
          -  Middle Position:
               IF the (right beside) SILVER LEVER is LEFT,
                 THAN stepping NO;
               IF the SILVER LEVER is (pushed & shift) RIGHT,
                 THAN stepping left-to-right.
 o  [NEG]  COUNTING DIRECTION  (Toggle key)
          =   NEGATIVE when (RED) mark visible (right of the counter)
          =   POSITIVE when (BLK) mark visible
 o  [ <-- ]  STEP INPUT UNIT to the LEFT
 o  [ <-o ]  JUMP INPUT UNIT to the LEFT (with ZEROS on END)
 o  [ --> ]  STEP INPUT UNIT to the RIGHT
 o  [-:-]  CONTINUOUS SUBTRACTION as long as the key is pressed;
           when released: STEP-TO-RIGHT,
               IF MAIN SWITCH is set to MIDDLE position AND
                    the SILVER LEVER is RIGHT
 o  [ x ]  for MULTIPLICATION:
               After entered [x] STORES the 1st number in the hidden MEMORY
 o  [ = ]  for MULTIPLICATION:
               After entered the 2nd number [=] STARTS the multiplication
 o  [SUB-STOP] has two functions:
        *  PRESSED with [-:-] key:  CLEARS input register after subtraction
        *  INTERRUPTS a looping division;   ALTERNATIVE: Press-and-hold
    [-:-]  STOPS DIVISION when enough digits are calculated

Example:    123 + 45 - 6  =  162

Clear:  [I], [II], [III];
Set:    MAIN SWITCH to MIDDLE position;
        Counting Direction (BLK) positive

ADD: Enter the first number (123) into input register (III). Press the
[ADD] key to transfer the input into arithmetic unit (I). The counting
unit (II) displays the figure 1. Enter the second number (45). Press the
[ADD] key to add the number.  The arithmetic unit displays the inter-
mediate sum (168) and the counting unit displays the figure 2.

SUBTRACT: Enter the third number (6) into input unit and press the [-:-]
key ( !!! TOGETHER !!! ) with the [SUB-STOP] key. The arithmetic unit
displays the result (162) and the counting unit is decreased by 1.

REMARK:     NEGATIVE RESULTS are displayed in the arithmetic unit
            as the COMPLEMENT of the next higher 10, 100, 1000, ...

            Example:   -12  =  99...9988

Example:    123 x 45  =  5535

Clear:  [I], [II], [III];
Set:    MAIN SWITCH to LEFT »MULT«-Position;
        Counting Direction (BLK) positive

Enter the multiplicand (123) into input unit. Press the [x] key and
the number goes in the hidden memory.  Enter the multiplicator (45).
Press [=] and the multiplication will start automatically. When done:
The multiplicand (123) stays in the counter unit, the multiplicator (45)
is in the input unit and the result (5535) is in the arithmetic unit.

Example:    123 x 45  =   5535
            123 x 67  =   8241
            123 x 89  =  10947

Clear:  [I], [II], [III];
Set:    MAIN SWITCH to LEFT »MULT«-Position;
        Counting Direction (BLK) positive

Enter the 1st factor (123) and press [x]. Enter the 2nd factor (45)
and press [=].  The result (5535) is in the arithmetic unit.

Press [x], [I], [II];  Enter the new factor (67) and press [=].
The result (8241) is in the arithmetic unit.

Press [x], [I], [II];  Enter the new factor (89) and press [=].
The result (10947) is in the arithmetic unit. The CONSTANT Factor
(123) stays in the counter unit, factor (89) in the input unit.

Example:    123 x 123  =  15129
Clear:  [I], [II], [III];
Set:    MAIN SWITCH to LEFT »MULT«-Position;
        Counting Direction (BLK) positive

Enter the number (123), press [=] and read the result (15129). The
1st factor (123) stays in counter, 2nd factor (123) in input unit.

Example:    22 : 7  =  3.1428571  Remainder 3

Clear:  [I], [II], [III];
Set:    MAIN SWITCH to RIGHT »DIV«-Position;
        Counting Direction (RED) negative

Enter the dividend (22) into input unit. Press JUMP [<-o] key;
Press [ADD]. Enter the divisor (07) into input unit. Press JUMP [<-o] key;
Press [-:-] and the division will start automatically.  The result
(3.1428571) is in the counter unit, and the remainder (3..) is in the
arithmetic unit. The divisor (7..) stays in the input unit, therefore an
additional decimal can be estimated ... ( 4, cause 4 x 7 = 28).

                  Have a look at "Calculating Trickies" ...

              (*) !! see FAQs: The old GERMAN POWER PLUG for 220 VAC FITS !!
© C.HAMANN              09/12/07