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KOMET   » TA «
( Later made by BRUNSVIGA as Model » 90_TA « )

Have a look at the KOMET Restoration Procedure ...

T E C H N I C A L   D A T A   of  the  Mechanical Calculator  KOMET  TA
Serial Number:       TA 043425

Dimensions:   (ca.)  Width   =   9    " /  23 cm
                     Depth   =  10_1/2" /  26 cm
                     Height  =   5_1/2" /  14 cm

Weight:       (ca.)  8_1/4 lbs  /  3.7 kg

Functions:           Add, Subtract

Mechanics:           8*9 Full-Keyboard
                     ( ~ VICTOR = "Nonius Principle" )

Registers:           Input          =  8 Decimals
                     Input-Display  =  8 Decimals
                     Arithmetic     =  9 Decimals
                     KOMET RECHENMACHINEN
                     Frankfurt am Main

H O W   T O   U S E    the   KOMET  TA

Pressing the [*]-KEY clears the keyboard & pressing the HANDLE down
will set the memory to ZERO. ( Push the MEMORY-WINDOW to the right !)
The [*]-KEY will be released after releasing the handle. 

The LOWER DISPLAY shows the actual number just keyed in.  When a wrong
number is keyed, press the [C]-KEY and start again.  When the HANDLE is
pressed down,  the number is  added to memory.  Its  actual content is
shown in the UPPER DISPLAY  & the keyboard will be cleared.

To enter the same number more than once,  press the [R]-KEY before
pushing down the handle.  The keyboard will  NOT  be cleared after
releasing the handle.  To release [R], Press the [C]-KEY.

Enter the number.  Press the [-]-KEY before pressing down the handle.
The number is subtracted from memory.  Its actual content is shown in
the UPPER DISPLAY & the keyboard will be cleared.

... are displayed as COMPLEMENT of the next higher 10, 100, 1000 ...

                  Example:   -12  =  99...9988

When the   M E M O R Y - W I N D O W  is  PUSHED TO THE LEFT, than the
"9-COMPLEMENT" = "0...011" is visible  ==>>>  +1  is the TRUE NEG.NMBR.

                   Have a look at "Calculating Trickies" ...
© C.HAMANN          11/01/11