Vom Bauklötzchen-Spiel ...   ...  zum LISP-PUZZLE ...   ...

SEITEN-BEISPIELE ...     WERBUNG   in        BUCH  &  PUZZLE ...    >>>    das letzte Exemplar ...

===>>>   Kopie aus ELEKTRONIK ( 1+2/1982 )   » Die Programmiersprache LISP - Eine einführende Übersicht « ...
N E W S :     LISP-BUCH   REPRINT  2019  ==>>  nach ~40 Jahren   ...   für 110 Euro   ...   WOW !!!

POST SCRIPT:     Um 1950  erfand  John McCarthy  die Programmiersprache  LISP  ...

                                                                                          ( *1927 / +2011 )
On the 9th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence ( GWAI-85 ) in Dassel/Solling, Sept.23-27, 1985
Prof.John McCarthy gave a TALK " What is Common Sense and How to Formalize it ?"
On the last day of the workshop I dropped a LISP-PUZZLE in his hotel as a "Gift to Prof.McCarthy" ...
... Never heard anything about it ... Until recent ...
eMAIL from STANFORD: " Prof.McCarthy loved your LISP-PUZZLE - It was always on his desk ..."

© C.HAMANN                           http://public.BHT-Berlin.de/hamann                            03/27/24