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Have a look at the MARCHANT »STANDARD« ...

Have a look at the Restoration Procedure ...

T E C H N I C A L   D A T A     of  the  Mechanical  Calculator   MARCHANT  H9

Serial Number:       H-9-6253

Dimensions:   (ca.)  Width   =  13_1/2" /  34 cm
                     Depth   =  14    " /  35 cm
                     Height  =   7_1/2" /  18 cm

Weight:       (ca.)  24 lbs  /  11 kg

Mechanics:           9*10 Full-Keyboard
                     Adapting Segment / StellSegment Animation

Functions:           Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

Registers:           Input       =   9  Decimals
                     Counter     =   9  Decimals
                     Arithmetic  =  18  Decimals
                     MARCHANT Calculating Machine Co.
                     Oakland, California / USA
R E M A R K :
Instead of "Full-KBD" also available with "Lever-Input" as Model "XL" ...


H O W   T O   U S E    the  MARCHANT  H9

Turn the MAIN CRANK in its bottom (idle) position.
CLEAR the KEYBOARD by pressing the right red key.
( The upper left DISPLAY UNIT shows the actual input 0...00 )
RELEASE the black REPEAT KEY (X) by pressing the right white (+/-) key.
CLEAR the COUNTER unit by turning the upper right crank clockwise.
CLEAR the ARITHMETIC unit by turning its left crank counter-clockwise.
Bring the CARRIAGE to the far left ( = POSITION 1) either
(a) by pulling and press & hold the BUTTON ON THE RIGHT SIDE - OR
(b) step-by-step with the HANDLE in front
( The arrow on the counter moves right to show position 1 )

It depends of the UPPER CENTRAL LEVER how the COUNTER is operating:  For
( low = X = default ) the counter will increase its content for positive
(= Addition) turns and decrease for negative (= Subtraction) turns. In its
( up = / ) position the counter will operate contrary.  In both cases the
counter works with 10s-carry - allowing "Shortened Method of Multiplication".

When using the MARCHANT H-9 for the 1st time, it seems strange that the
arithmetic unit does not line up with the input unit ...

REMARK to the 10s-Carry of the Arithmetic Unit in the MARCHANT H-9:
Because 10s-carry is processed together with the body underneath,
there is NO 10s-CARRY left of position 13 when the carriage is in
its leftmost position!

Example:   123 + 45 - 6  =  162

ADD: Enter the first number (123) in the far right columns. The upper left
display unit will show this number. Make a positive (clockwise) turn with
the main crank to transfer the number into arithmetic unit. The counting unit
displays the figure 1. Enter the second number (45).  Make a positive turn
with the main crank to add the number.  The arithmetic unit displays the
intermediate sum (168) and the counting unit displays the figure 2.

SUBTRACT: Enter the third number (6).  Make a negative (counter-clockwise)
turn with the main crank. The arithmetic unit displays the result (162) and
the counting unit is decreased by 1.

REMARK:     NEGATIVE RESULTS are displayed in the arithmetic unit
            as the COMPLEMENT of the next higher 10, 100, 1000, ...

            Example:   -12  =  99...9988

Example:    123 x 45  =  5535

Clear counter and arithmetic units. Press the right (X) REPEAT-Key.

Enter the multiplicand (123) in the far right columns. The multiplicator
(45) has two digits, so the arithmetic unit is moved to position 2 with
the handle in front. Repeat making positive (clockwise) turns with the
main crank, until the first figure of the multiplicator (4) will appear
in the 2nd position of the counter unit. Move the arithmetic unit with
the handle in front to position 1. Repeat making positive turns with the
main crank, until the second figure of the multiplicator (5) appears in
the 1st position of the counter unit.  The multiplication is done:  The
multiplicand (123) stays in the keyboard and is also visible in the display
unit, the multiplicator (45) is in the counter unit and the result (5535)
is in the arithmetic unit.

Example:   22 : 7  =  3.14285714  Remainder 2

Division requires 3 steps:

(A) To Set the Dividend into Arithmetic Unit:
    For the maximum number of decimals, bring the arithmetic unit to the
    far right position. Enter the dividend (22) in the far right columns.
    Make a positive (clockwise) turn with the main crank to transfer into
    arithmetic unit.

(B) To Set the Divisor in the Keyboard:
    Clear the keyboard.
    Clear the counter unit.
    Set the counter lever up to (/).
    Press the right REPEAT-Button (X).
    Enter the divisor (7) in the right column.

(C) To Divide:
    Make negative (counter-clockwise) turns with the main crank until the
    arithmetic unit shows an "underflow". Make one positive (clockwise)
    turn with the main crank. Move the carriage with the handle in front to
    the next left position. Repeat this procedure until the required number
    of decimals are calculated...

    The result (3.14285714) is in the counter unit, and the remainder (2) is
    in the arithmetic unit. The divisor (7) stays in the keyboard  ( and in
    the display unit ), therefore an additional decimal can be estimated ...
    ( 2, cause 2 x 7 = 14).

                       Have a look at "Calculating Trickies" ...
© C.HAMANN                01/01/10