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The whole Case is Metal

Have a look at the NISA »K5«

TECHNICAL DATA       of the  Electro-Mechanical Calculator               NISA-PK5
Inside: MONROE MODEL-1 CLONE ==>> Insight:"EasternBlock"LeftOver &"ColdWar"Relic!

Serial Number:       178102 / AA-119734 ( AA = Year-Code = 1950/1st Quarter )

Dimensions:   (ca.)  Width   =  13_1/2" /  34 cm
                     Depth   =  12_1/2" /  32 cm
                     Height  =   6_1/2" /  17 cm

Weight:       (ca.)  15  lbs  /  6.9 kg

Power Supply:        110 / 220 V AC ;  40 W

Mechanics:           10*10 Full-Keyboard
                     Split-Stepped Drum / Geteilte Staffelwalze 
                     10s Carry Mechanism
                     Counter Stepping Mechanism Animation

Functions:           Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

Registers:           Input       =  10  Decimals
                     Counter     =  10  Decimals (NO Carry; Neg.Figures RED)
                     Arithmetic  =  20  Decimals
                     Prosec/Nisa (=Neisse) , Czechoslovakia

H O W   T O   U S E    the   NISA-PK5

RELEASE the REPEAT[x/:]Key by pressing the [+/-]Key above.
Shift left the lower left "ITEM-COUNTER" Key (see remark below!)
CLEAR the KEYBOARD by pressing the lower right key.
CLEAR the COUNTER unit by lifting the right lever at the carriage.
CLEAR the ARITHMETIC unit by lifting the left lever right at carriage.
Lift and shift the CARRIAGE to the far left ( = POSITION 1).

Keys [+] & [-] start Add- & Subtract-Procedure and CLEAR KEYBOARD after it.
Keys [x] & [:] start "Multiply"- & "Division"-Procedure
     same as [+] & [-]   BUT   D O   N O T   CLEAR KEYBOARD  after it.

Example:   123 + 45 - 6  =  162

ADD: Enter the first number (123) in the far right columns.  Press the  PLUS-Key
[+] to transfer the number into arithmetic unit.  The counting unit displays the
figure 1. Enter the second number (45). Press the PLUS-Key [+] to add the number.
The arithmetic unit displays the intermediate sum (168) and the counting unit
displays the figure 2.

SUBTRACT:  Enter the third number (6).  Press the MINUS-Key [-].  The arithmetic
unit displays the result (162) and the counting unit is decreased by 1.

REMARK:     NEGATIVE RESULTS are displayed in the arithmetic unit as the
            COMPLEMENT of the next higher 10, 100, 1000, ...

            Example:   -12  =  99...9988

Example:    123 x 45  =  5535

Clear counter and arithmetic units. Press the right REPEAT-Key [x/:].

Enter the multiplicand (123) in the far right columns. The multiplicator (45) has
two digits,  so the arithmetic unit is moved to position 2  with a clockwise turn
of the T-Handle in front.  Repeat pressing the key [x]  until the first figure of
the multiplicator (4)  will appear in the 2nd position of the counter unit.  Move
the arithmetic unit to position 1.  Repeat  pressing key [x],  until  the  second
figure of the multiplicator (5)  appears in the 1st position of the counter unit.
The multiplication is done:  The multiplicand (123) stays in keyboard, the multi-
plicator (45) is in the counter  and the result (5535) is in the arithmetic unit.

Example:   22 : 7  =  3.142857142  Remainder 6

Division requires 3 steps:

(A) To Set the Dividend into Arithmetic Unit:
    For the maximum number of decimals,  pull out the arithmetic unit  to the far
    right position.  Enter the dividend (22) in the far right columns.  Press the
    PLUS-Key [+] to transfer into arithmetic unit.

(B) To Set the Divisor in the Keyboard:
    Clear the counter unit by lifting the right lever at the carriage.  Enter the
    divisor (7) below the dividend (22). Press the right REPEAT-Key [x/:].

(C) To Divide:
    Set the upper left lever forward to divide [:] and the machine will calculate
    all decimals (and moves the carriage) automatically.

    The result (3.142857142) is in the counter unit, and  the remainder (6) is in
    the arithmetic unit.  The divisor (7) stays in the keyboard.

                          Have a look at "Calculating Trickies" ...
R E M A R K S :
The COUNTER-FIGURES ( WHITE/RED ) follows the  "MONROE-TYPE"-Scheme ...

The lower left "ITEM-COUNTER" lever:
Because the counter has  no 10s-carry,  there is  no "build-in" counting  of  the
items to add. Here the "Item-Counter" lever is useful: When the left keys [0]&[1]
are pressed simultaniously, the left lever shifts right and locks both keys.  Now
the arithmetic unit will count items in the left column. The "CLEAR KEYBOARD"-Key
will NOT clear these [0]&[1] keys!  The [0]&[1] keys are released by shifting the
left lever to the left.
( See the original idea, a simplified version, in the  MONROE LX  ...)

Same as  NISA K5 ...

R E M A R K   T O   R E S T O R A T I O N :
After Cleaning & Restoration ... Enjoying the successful division 22:7 = 3.142857
there was a  " B I G   B A N G ! "  and I was sitting in the dark ...   Main fuse
blown ...   The TESLA FILTER (s.left) TC-241 on the power-board was exploded ...


After removing and replacement by a modern type (e.g. right ) -  ALL IS WELL NOW!

© C.HAMANN                   02/12/16