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(A)  Light has the quality of an Electro-Magnetic WAVE :
= Proof with a PRISM: REFRACTING to RAINBOW-Colors ...

... and also the Effect of POLARIZATION :
= Proof of Transversal Waves

"Proof" (= wrong *) with THIS LIGHT-QUANTUM-MILL

"The DARK-Side absorbs Quants - the SHINY-Side reflects Quants -
the IMPACT of Quants on the DARK-Side push the Mill in the Vacuum"
I remember a nice ANALOGY from "TV-"Prof.Dr.Hoimar v.Ditfurth (~70s)
TEAM-A read the instruments and conclude: "The Object is a square !"
TEAM-B read the instruments and conclude: "The Object is a circle !"

Both are sure to have "THE TRUTH" and blame the others "Ignorants !"
Nobody is aware looking at the SAME CAN: From ABOVE or from the SIDE

( * )  P O S T   S C R I P T :
( B0 )
"The LQ-Mill-Explanation" was from my Physics-Teacher in 1950s
TRUTH is different + complicated:
Found in WEB » Spektrum der Wissenschaft « 2/2001,S.104 (= German )

[ * ]

BUT there are other PROOFs for "LIGHT-AS-A-PARTICLE-STREAM" ...
[ B1 ]
When a COMET transfers our Solar-System, its "TAIL" is pushed away
from the Sun ( and IS NOT opposit to the Moving-Vektor !)
[ B2 ]
The "Light-Electric-Effect", used in Solar-Panels, e.g.:
Light/Exposure Meter
Field Multi-Meter » METRAVO «

© C.HAMANN        03/22/20