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» GPS-TOOLS «   from the 50s ...

MAP shows SanFrancisco / BayArea
Exploring the World with  » My GPS-TOOLS from the 50s «  ...
Monocular (8x21) = TURMON (No.2742292) CARL ZEISS JENA / Germany
Curve Meter 1/8"Scale (x1..x100..x1000 w.Reset) = ALVIN(1114)/Swiss
WWII Watch (w. fluorescent Radium Hands & Figures) = OLMA / Swiss
Compass ( 0...360°, left-counting !) = FREIBERGER P.M./Germany

   ... and ...

More / different TYPES of AZIMUTH-SCALES ...

"Marsch-Richtung" ( 0...60 = "Seconds" on Watches, right-count !)


also "NAUTICAL STRICH" ( 0...32 ) Explanation found in  WIKIPEDIA:


AZIMUTH-Scale of the »M2« Compass ( 0...6400 Mils, left count !)


"Mils" used in military artillery, derived from   RADIANS in the
circle: 2*3.1416 = 6.283 and rounded 6400 for calc-simplification.
Using "Mils" allow also to estimate the size of an object in view.

REM: !! Symbols "E" & "W" are exchanged to read proper in mirror !!
Tech-Data +++ of this US-Military Compass »M2« can be found ...
© C.HAMANN        09/23/23