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G R A C E   N O T E   W I N D   C H I M E             Made in USA
Distributed by   DAZEY's SUPPLY,  REDWAY, CALIFORNIA / USA (2003)

Total Lenght  ~ 42"  with 6 Aluminum Pipes of  ~ 1_1/4" Diameter.
The Aluminum "WindSensor" has ENGRAVEMENTS on both sides ...


...  B  D  F  G  B  C  ;   B min b 5 / b 6 / b 9

               The beautiful  SOUND  is named  » Himalayan Echo «
After two Days ( & Nights ) of permanent chiming, we replaced the
"WindSensor" aluminum PLATE  with a big  stainless steel  WASHER:
Now the Wind Chime is active only on remarkably winds ...

     Wie sagte es doch WILHELM BUSCH so treffend ?
                         "Musik wird stoerend oft empfunden,
                            derweil sie mit Geraeusch verbunden!"
© C.HAMANN       06/18/12