Inside View

This MULTATOR-4 fall in my lap "Out of the blue" ...

On my USA trip, I got an eMail from Joseph P.B. of Illinois in June 2015:

+  Found you over the INTERNET  +  Have a MULTATOR-4 not working +  Shows
strange behavior  +  Would give it to you, if you would pay the shipping
costs  ...  OH, YES, PLEASE  !!!  It was shipped to my friend in Oregon.

Now back in Berlin, I found out, that the "Main-Axle" with all the Input-
Units (powered by the white gear) were "frozen".  This caused the black
driving gear's "Anchor" to break into peaces (see RED ARROW >>>> above).

(1st) I applied WD-40 and freed every input gear - one after one. (2nd) I
had to find the right synchronization of the white & black gear. (3rd) I
made a "CLIP" out of brass sheet ( see picture left ) to connect the black
gear with its axle ( see picture right ), glued with UHU-PLUS (= Epoxy ).


Lucky I am:  The MULTATOR-4 is working fine again  -  "THANK YOU, JOSEPH !"
(4th !) I used SILICONE-OIL(-Spray) to remove residuals left by the WD-40.

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© C.HAMANN             08/31/15