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ARISTO   » COMMERZ II «   ( 25 cm Scales )

ARISTO-Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany                  (1965)
                                                           VERSION (B)

S C A L E S   of  the    A R I S T O    » COMMERZ II «       Model 965
Front Side        Scales in [RED] & {GREEN}                  Back Side
( 0 ...  28 cm Ruler )

PERCENT-SCALE          -50% .. 30 .. 0 .. 40 .. +100%
(DF)    3.6*X          KZ   K = Start-Kapital,  Z = Zinsen
[CF]    [3.6*X]        T2 = Tage             ZZ3   (LL3)    exp(X)
{CIF}   {1/3.6*X}     p2% = Prozentsatz      ZZ2   (LL2)    exp(0.1X)
                                             ZZ1   (LL1)    exp(0.01X)
{CI}    {1/X}         p1% = Prozentsatz      [ZZ%]      [ZinsesZinsen]
[C]     [X]            T1 = Tage             T1    (C)      X
(D)     X               Z = Zinsen
Conversions ...         M = Metric
Pound   (£)             Conversion Scales             (s/d)   Shilling

( 0 ... 11" Ruler )

R E M A R K S :                There are 3 Model 965 in the Collection

OLDER VERSION (A)          only DETAIL shown ...
Production Code = GF01 = Geretsried, 1965, Lot 1


( 0 ... 28 cm Ruler only )
To use the ZZ & T1 Scales, the SLIDER HAS TO BE TURNED !!!

The very nice VERSIONS (B) & (C) are mounted on an ACRYLIC RULER BODY!
Slider is readable from the back side ( "mouse-over" the cursor !) ...

VERSION (B)                     ( shown on top )
Production Code = GFO2 = Geretsried, 1965, Lot 2

The (DF),[CF]-Scales are folded at  3.6 * X  for Days-of-the-Year.

Here the (German-) named scales are marked with their common symbols
in brackets: (DF),[CF],{CIF},{CI},[C],(D).  The formula & translation:

  Zinsen (in % ) = Z = ( K * p * n )/100 ;   n = Jahre = Tage/360

( Z  = Interest;  K = Capital;  p = Interest Rate;
  ZZ = Compound Interest;  n = Years;  T = Days  )

NEWER VERSION (C)               ( not shown )
Production Code = 2FX4 = Hamburg, 1969, Lot 4

SORRY: The SCALE ZZ% on the SLIDER's BACK SIDE is BLACK ( not red )

                      Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN         03/31/12