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ARISTO   POCKET   ELEKTRO   ( 12.5 cm Scales )

Have a look at an Older Version

ARISTO-Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany       (1961)

S C A L E S  of the ARISTO POCKET  E L E K T R O  Model 852
Front Side    [  RED ]                            Back Side
( 0 ...  13 cm Ruler )

U1/U2      X5
A          X2
B          X2                           Volt   0 .. +100 dB
Neper      ln|U1/U2|                    mV     0 .. -100 dB
C          X                            mV     0 ..  -10 dB
[D]        [X]
[U1/U2]    [ 0 .. 20 ]
dB         20*lg|U1/U2|

R E M A R K S :
Production Code = G611 = Geretsried, 1961, Lot 1

Historical Remarks ...

This Pocket Slide Rule was a gift from the company  » TN «
(= TELEFONBAU+NORMALZEIT),  well known for their telephones
and synchrone time systems.

   Neper   [ N ]   =     ln( U1 / U2 )
   Dezibel [ dB ]  =  10*lg( P1 / P2 )
                   =  10 * lg{ ( U12/R1 ) / ( U22/R2 ) }
                   =  10 * lg{ ( U1 / U2 )2 * R2/R1 }
                   =  20 * lg| U1 / U2 |  with  R1 = R2

     spec.:   0 dB = 1 mW  on  600 Ω  =  0.775 V

     ===>>     1 N = 8.686 dB
              1 dB = 0.1151 N

© C.HAMANN    04/30/09