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ARISTO-FLEX   POCKET   ( 12.5 cm Scales )

ARISTO-Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany       (1954)

SCALES  of  the  A R I S T O - F L E X   POCKET   Model 807
[ inverse / RED ]                        ( one-sided only )
( 0 ...  15 cm Ruler )

   K        X3
   A        X2
   B        X2
   [BI]     [1/X2]
   [CI]     [1/X]
   C        X
   D        X
   [P]      [sqrt(1 - (0.1X)2)]
   S        sin(0.1X)
   T        tan(0.1X)

( 0 ...  6" Ruler )

REMARKS:                           No Production Code found
The ARISTO-FLEX is very flat. With its instruction sheet it
was found with an ADDIATOR in the same case:  As seen from
the side, the ARISTO-FLEX is made of 3 plastic layers.

Historical Remarks ...

Ref. to the print on the back side, this Pocket Slide Rule
was a gift from »BAUBOAG«, Bau- u.Boden Aktiengesellschaft.

© C.HAMANN    11/24/07