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( 7"   /   18 cm Scales )


Have a look at an Older Version (A)

SOUSA READY MIX, Mt. Shasta, California / USA             (1990)
Manufactured by Bill-Mar Speciality Co. / HongKong     Model #89

S C A L E S   of   the    C O N C R E T E    C A L C U L A T O R
                                                     VERSION (B)

A  THICKNESS              (   2" .. 18'  )                INCHES
B  WIDTH  ( or HEIGHT )   ( 200' .. 6"   )
C  LENGTH                 (   6" .. 200' )
D  CUBIC YARDS            (  3/4 .. 200  )       1/4 & 1/8 SCALE

R E M A R K S :
Click on a picture above to see the ASSEMBLED Slide Rule ...

Scales C & D are functioning as a "common" slide rule.

From the   I N S T R U C T I O N S   printed in the bottom:

 EXAMPLE:  How many cubic yards of concrete in a wall 12" thick,
           6' high and 18' long?
SOLUTION:  Set 6' on Scale B under 12" on Scale A,
           Read Answer 4 CU.YDS. under 18' Scale C.

© C.HAMANN       03/19/08