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DIETZGEN   1732   ( 10" / 25 cm Scales )

EUGEN DIETZGEN CO., Chicago, Illinois / USA      SN = 506525       (1945)

S C A L E S   of  the   » MANIPHASE MULTIPLEX «                Model 1732
Front Side                   [ inverse / RED ]                  Back Side

L      lgX            [LL0]   [exp(-0.001X) .. exp(-0.01X) .. exp(-0.1X)]
LL1    exp(0.01X)     [LL00]  [exp(-0.1X) .. exp(-1X) .. exp(-10X)]
DF     πX             A       X2 
CF     πX             B       X2
[CIF]  [1/πX]         T       tan(0.1X) ; [cot(0.1X)]
[CI]   [1/X]          ST      arc(0.01X)
C      X              S       sin(0.1X) ; [cos(0.1X)]
D      X              D       X 
LL3    exp(X)         [DI]    [1/X]
LL2    exp(0.1X)      K       X3

R E M A R K S :
[LL0] & [LL00] are keyed to A ( !!! ) ;    LL1, LL2 & LL3 are keyed to  D

This  » DECIMAL TRIG TYPE LOG LOG SLIDE RULE «  is made of  mahogany with
scales on  celluloid veneer.  The sturdy  cardboard case  is covered with
black artificial leather,  but the lid is made of real leather.  The case
can be clipped  on the  user's belt  -  typical for the  USA:  As seen in
"Western Movies" ready for a "quick draw".

This "DIETZGEN" is made by  KEUFFEL & ESSER.  The SCALES are identical to
K&E  Model 4081-3 ( Version A )  but this  CURSOR  is a "DIETZGEN"-Patent
( Glasses are easy to break because its grooves !) ...

It came with detoriated  CELLULOID CURSOR-BLOCKS  and  broken SPRING ...


                           ... Both had to be replaced by home-made ones.

Same "CELLULOID DISEASE" happened also to the  K&E 4081-5 ...
Celluloid, first produced in 1872, was the first used plastic world wide.
It consists of a  mix of  cellulose nitrate  & camphor.  The  plasticizer
camphor  is given off over time   and  the nitrate  breaks up  under  the
influence  of  oxygen  & moisture  and  transforms to  nitric acid.  Both
effects destroy the material - and  the acid is the reason  why the metal
of frame and spring get brittle & rusty.

                           Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN           10/12/12