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(*)   FABER-CASTELL   » DISPONENT «   1/22 A
( 25 cm Scales )
!!! With build-in ADDIATOR on its back side !!!
(! see DETAIL-Pictures down !)


A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany               (1939)

S C A L E S   of  the  FABER-CASTELL    » DISPONENT «    Model 1/22 A
Front Side      Scales in [RED] & {GREEN}                   Back Side
( 0 ...  27 cm Ruler )

     ... M A R K S  for non-metric conversions ...
(DF)     3.6*X     KZ:     K = Start-Kapital,  Z = Zinsen
[CF]     [3.6*X]           T = Tage               (LL1)    exp(0.01X)
                                                  (LL2)    exp(0.1X)
{CI}     {1/X}     Val.;  p% = Prozentsatz           p% = Prozentsatz
[C]      [X]       E ;     T = Tage               (C)      X
(D)      X         V ;     Z = Zinsen
(L)      lgX
Shilling (s/£) Pound    &    Penny (d/£) Pound      Conversion Scales

To use the LL-Scales from the back side, the slider has to be turned.

To get a detailed view of the slide rule scales, refer to  »FC-1/22«
in the collection and "MouseOver" its cursor there ...

This »DISPONENT« (=Merchant) Slide Rule is made of pearwood with
scales on celluloid veneer. On its back side are conversion tables.
Production Code = 39_3 = March 1939

The (DF),[CF]-Scales are folded at  3.6 * X  for Days-of-the-Year.

Here the (German-) named scales are marked with their common symbols
in brackets: (DF),[CF],{CI},[C],(D),(L).  The formula & translation:

  Zinsen (in % ) = Z = ( K * p * n )/100 ;   n = Jahre = Tage/360

( Z = Interest; K = Capital; p = Interest Rate; n = Years; T = Days )

  E = Einkaufspreis ( = Wholesale Price )
  V = Verkaufspreis ( = Retail Price )       Val. = Valuta = Currency

   Have a look at the POCKET-Version ...    Historical Remarks ...

REMARKS to the build-in  ADDIATOR  on the SR's BACK-SIDE:
In the left side of the SR is a stylus placed for using the ADDIATOR.
The handle on the right of the SR resets the ADDIATOR to ZERO. This
version shows  t r u e  negative results. A DETAIL VIEW ...


R E M A R K S   t o   R E S T O R A T I O N : 
Unfortunately this  »FC-1/22A«  was found in a flea-market without
cursor and without case cap - both must be home-made ... 

... Refer to FAQs for DETAILs "How-To-Do-It" impressum: (*) Donated to Cliff Stoll's Collection ********************************************************************* © C.HAMANN 04/01/21