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FABER-CASTELL   LOG-LOG   ( 25 cm Scales )

A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany      (1974)
                                                 VERSION (C)

S C A L E S  of the  FABER-CASTELL  » LOG-LOG «  Model 57/89
Front Side             [ inverse / RED ]           Back Side
( 0 ...  27 cm Ruler )

K        X3
A        X2
B        X2                        LL2     exp(0.1X)
L        lgX                       S'      sin(0.1X) ;
[CI]     [1/X]                                   [cos(0.1X)]
C        X                         LL3     exp(X)
D        X
S        sin(0.1X) ; [cos(0.1X)]
ST       arc(0.01X)
T1       tan(0.1X); [cot(0.1X)]
T2       tan(X); [cot(X)]

R E M A R K S :    There are 3 Model 57/89 in the Collection
           To use the LL-SCALES, the slider has to be turned

Newer Version (C)
Production Code = 4 74 = April 1974

This slide rule is named  »Log-Log «  and has no prints on
the body under the slider.  The model number is printed on
the left side of the slider.  The cursor has BLACK Marks.
It came in a green/beige plastic case with an instruction
covering models 57/88 & 57/89 ( same front sides ).

Older Version (B)       NOT SHOWN
Production Code = 2 71 = Feb.1971

This SR has the  same scales  and the same  model number as
Vers.(C). The name »Log Log« is printed on the upper right
corner. The model number is printed on the body under the
slider - Its cursor has BLACK Marks. The SR came in a grey
case with the same instructions.
Older Version (A)       NOT SHOWN
Production Code = 5 66 = May 1966

This SR has the  same scales  and the same  model number as
Vers.(B) - But it is named  » Schul-Stab Log-Log «.  The
model number is printed on the body under the slider.  Its
cursor has RED Marks.  It came in an acrylic case with the
same instructions.

                   Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN    02/27/08