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FABER-CASTELL   MENTOR   ( 25 cm Scales )

A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany      (1970)

S C A L E S   of  the  FABER-CASTELL  »MENTOR«   Model 52/80
     ( BACK SIDE = Explanations of how to use a slide rule )

FRONT SIDE   [ inverse / RED ]
                                       ( 0 ... 25 cm Ruler )
     A           X2
PERCENT-SCALE              -50% .. 30 .. 0 .. 40 .. +100%
K|Z  DF          πX    ...   5  ..  7 .. 1 .. 14  ..  2  ...
T    CF          πX
     [CIF]       [1/πX]
[p%] [CI]        [1/X]
T    C           X
Z    D           X
     K           X3
                                          ( 0 ...10" Ruler )
This slide rule came in a grey plastic case together with
a booklet. The MENTOR is a "Two-In-One" slide rule, because
it has special marks on its cursor and scales included to be
a "Merchant's" as well as an "Engineer's Slide Rule".

Historical Remarks ...

                         Production Code = 10 70 = Oct. 1970
© C.HAMANN    10/23/07