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LOEBKER   RIETZ   ( 25 cm Scales )

LOEBKER KG, Dresden / Germany                            (1935)

S C A L E S  of the  LOEBKER  » RIETZ / Loeconorm «  Model 75/2
Front Side         [ inverse / RED ]
( 0 ... 27 cm Ruler )                        ( one-sided only )

  K       X3
  A       X2
  B       X2
  [CI]    [1/X]
  C       X
  D       X
  L       lgX

( 1:25  Ruler )

R E M A R K S :
This historic WOOD SlideRule has Scales of ALUMINUM (!)  On its
back side are conversion tables.  The  3-Line PLASTIC CURSOR is
now yellow-aged. The SR came without its case.

                     Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN      10/15/13