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PICKETT   N1010-ES   ( 10" / 25 cm Scales )

PICKETT, Alhambra, California / USA                      (1972)

S C A L E S   of  the    » ALL METAL TRIG «      Model N1010-ES
Front Side           [ inverse / RED ]                Back Side

K        X3                                 L            lgX
A        X2                                 DF           πX
B        X2                                 CF           πX
ST       arc(0.01X)                         [CIF]        [1/πX]
T        tan(0.1X) ; [cot(0.1X)]
S        sin(0.1X) ; [cos(0.1X)]            [CI]         [1/X]
C        X                                  C            X
D        X                                  D            X
[DI]     [1/X]                              [DI]         [1/X]

This model  N1010-ES is a follower of the  PICKETT & ECKEL 1000

It is made of aluminum.  The typical  "Pickett-Yellow"  has an
"-ES"-Extension in the model-number, means "Eye-Saver".  White
ones have a "-T"-Extension, stands for "Traditional".
The slide rule came in an artificial leather case.

A Model N1010-T in the collection ...
... came with a brown leather case, which can be clipped on the
user's belt.  It has a   D I F F E R E N T   SCALE  DESIGN:

Its scale design is unballanced:  On the back side the  L-Scale
is set as a third scale under the  D- &  DI-Scales;  On top  DF
is the only scale.
The Invers-Scales are black ( NOT RED !)

                    Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN      03/09/15