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UTO   DUPLEX   ( 25 cm Scales )

U T O  /  Denmark                                 (1965)

S C A L E S  of  the     U T O   » DUPLEX «   Model 901U
Front Side                                     Back Side
( 0 ...  26 cm Ruler )
                                     LL1      exp(0.01X)
                                     LL2      exp(0.1X)
K       X3                           LL3      exp(X)
A       X2                           DF       πX
B       X2                    CR  /  CF       πX
BI      X2                     T  /  CIF      1/πX
CI      1/X                    %  /  CI       1/X
C       X                      T  /  C        X
D       X                      R  /  D        X
S       sin(0.1X)                    L        lgX
ST      arc(0.01X)
T       tan(0.1X)
                                   ( 0 ...  10"  Ruler )

The slide rule came in a leather case together with two
instruction booklets. There it is pointed out, that the
UTO-DUPLEX is "Two-In-One-Slide-Rule",  because it has
scales included and special marks on its cursor to be an
"Engineer's" as well as a "Merchant's Slide Rule".

                   Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN   10/23/07