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WICHMANN   POCKET   ( 12.5 cm Scales )

WICHMANN, Berlin / Germany                          (1930)

S C A L E S   of  the    W I C H M A N N      Model »1870«
                                     ( one-sided only )
   A         X2
   B         X2
   C         X
   D         X

R E M A R K S :
This historic slide rule is made of mahogany with scales
on celluloid veneer. It came with a nice leather case.

Historical Remarks ...

On the back side of the slide rule is engraved   »A.W.F.«
It stands for "Ausschuss fuer wirtschaftliche Fertigung"
(~ "Commission for Efficient Production" )   Follow the
LINK in HISTORY to learn details about this manufacturer. 

© C.HAMANN   10/11/07