<<<  REMARK:  As a student »SCHO-KA-KOLA« was my favourite CHOCOLATE ...  >>>

                                     e.g. Pages 126 / 127 Bessel Functions

         Eugene Jahnke & Fritz Emde
         » Tables of Functions with Formulae and Curves «
          ( » Funktionentafeln mit Formeln und Kurven «
               German / English - Edition )
         Dover Publications, NewYork / USA (1945)

         » Vierstellige logarithmische und trigonometrische Tafeln «
          ( Grosse Schulausgabe )
         Konrad Wittwer, Stuttgart / Germany (1959)

... THINK OF:  Every number and every picture is made by hand & mind;
These tables were made  b e f o r e  the advent of electronic computers!

The following tables are the first made  w i t h  the aid of electronic computers ...

          ... Cover & Pages 776 / 777 Orthogonal Polynomials ...

                  Milton Abramowitz & Irene A. Stegun
                  » Handbook of Mathematical Functions «
                  Dover Publications, NewYork / USA (1964)
© C.HAMANN             02/25/09