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Copper / Bakelite

Copper / Bakelite  ROTARY  D I A L  TELEPHONE     PTT / HOLLAND  (1961)
This  vintage  ROTARY TELEPHONE  use  "PULSE-DIALING".  To make it work
in your application, YOU MAY NEED A  "PULSE-TO-TONE-CONVERTER"...

                      Historical Remarks ...
R E M A R K S :
I got it  with bent & unattached cradle,  wrong placed  & wrong working
dialer, missing screws,  "dirty like out of a dumpster".   What was the
telephone's origin ???  In the procedure of cleaning,  IDs where found:

  (a)  MICROPHONE-Capsule  =  PTT TMC52182-A-100Ω    <<== dead !
  (b)  TELEPHONE-Capsule   =  PTT 300Ω 7_55 AD.52076
  (c)  DIALER-Mechanic     =  (HEE/MAF/H)-Logo 7_61  <<== Make of Year!
  (d)  CAPACITOR           =  PTT 1 μF
  (e)  TRAVO & BELL        =  (HEE/MAF/H)-Logo       ==>> Holland !

HEE-MAF    =   Hengelosche Electrische En Mechanische Apparaten Fabriek
PTT  =  ( Dutch ) Staatsbedrijf der Posterijen, Telegrafie en Telefonie

After repair and exchange the dead mic, the telephone worked - BUT ...
It was not ringing.  With "trial & error"  I found out how to wire it:

             11  La               |
             10  Lb --+           < from LINE
              9  -----+ ! BRIDGE  |
              7  yellow           |
              6  blue             > to HAND-SET
              5  red              |
              3  blue & green     |
              2  yellow           > to DIALER
              1  red              |

After all the effords,  this copper telephone  is again an  "Eye Candy"
SORRY:  The LEFT NUMBER-FRAME WAS MISSING  --  In spring 2017 my friend
GERHARD ( See "First Aid" for my BELGIUM TELEPHONE » RTT-56-B « ... )
made 2 new & equal NUMBER-FRAMES out of BRONZE SHEET ... "1000 THANKS!"

© C.HAMANN          05/11/14