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     1910     PORTABLE  TYPEWRITERS     P I C T U R E   G A L L E R Y     

HAMMOND   » NO.12 «

SN = 117654
HAMMOND (1907)
NewYork / USA
US QWERTY keyboard
elite 12 cpi; 92 cpl
7/16" (= 11 mm) Ribbon
W * D * H =
13_3/4" * 14_1/2" * 7_1/4"
35 cm * 37 cm * 18 cm
w. wood cover
20 lbs ;   9 kg


... The BELL is mounted on the HAMMER ...
The PAPER SHEET had to be placed before(!) in the CYLINDRICAL BASKET
( Pictures shown without paper )

H O W   T H E   » H A M M O N D «   T Y P E W R I T E R   W O R K S
Pressed "X"-Key - Lift "X"-Stud - "TYPE SHUTTLE" swings to this STOP
and HAMMER strikes PAPER from behind with RIBBON against FONT "X"

Keyboard's left keys lift the left studs - right keys the right studs

The easy interchangeable "TYPE SHUTTLE" ...


Back to the Typewriter Overview
based on:    (1st) R.MILTON's HomePage
             (2nd) Book of M.ADLER » Antique Typewriters « / Schiffer (1997)

The principle was patented 1880 to James Bartlett Hammond, a shorthand court
reporter without engineering training.  He used an arc of a circle  to swing
the fonts on a shuttle in place. Printing was performed by means of a hammer
from the rear  striking the paper against the font with a ribbon in between.
There was  no way for a sheet of paper to enter in conventional manner.  His
solution was to use a cylindrical basket in the carriage into which a rolled
up blank sheet of paper was first inserted. This inconvenience was tolerated
because his typewriters were indisputable the best machines of its time. The
regularity of typing was unparalleled  and the ease with which type shuttles
could be interchanged made this typewriter the most versatile on the market:
Hundreds of  alternative languagues, alphabets, scripts & scientific symbols 
were available. The »HAMMOND« was produced until 1920.  After  J.B.Hammond's
death a new shareholder,  Frederick Hepburn,  changed  the comany's  name to
»VARITYPER«.  After depression the company was bought by Ralph C.Coxhead and
improved versions of the »VariTyper« were in use until the 2000s.

R e m a r k s   t o   R e s t o r a t i o n :
(1) GRIP on PAPER RELEASE LEVER was missing; Home-made now of PUSH-PIN HEADS
(2) RIBBON 7/16" ( = 11 mm )  from a  » IBM-4201/4207-ProPrinter «  Cassette
(3) "TIMING" of the HAMMER relative to CAP- & FIG- Shifts had to be adjusted
(4) The "Q" on the edge of the "TYPE SHUTTLE" is damaged - sorry!

© C.HAMANN              12/19/10