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     1950     PORTABLE  TYPEWRITERS     P I C T U R E   G A L L E R Y     


SN = 5283218
PAILLARD S.A. (1951)
German QWERTZ keyboard
pica 10 cpi; 93 cpl
w. metal cover
W * D * H =
11_1/4" * 11" * 2_5/8"
28.5 cm * 28 cm * 6.5 cm
8_1/3 lbs ;   3.8 kg

Back to the Typewriter Overview
                   based on the book of W.A.Beeching »Typewriter« (1974)
In 1875 Moise Paillard founded PAILLARD in Saint-Croix / Switzerland to
manufacture  MUSIC BOXES.  By the end of the century they produced also
gramophones, record-players and radio receivers. In 1920 the firm became
a corporation, controlled by 2 families:  The Paillards and the Thorens.
A new factory was build in Yverdon to produce typewriters:  »HERMES-2«
was an office machine, the 1st with an  automatic tabulator. In 1935 the
»HERMES-BABY« was launched ( invented by G.Prezioso ) a really portable,
light-weight typewriter which became a worldwide success  ( It is said,
that also E.Hemmingway & J.Steinbeck loved their "BABY"s ). The BABY was
reduced to its essentials, but the HERMES OFFICE TYPEWRITERS were filled
for all needs:  In 1938, thanks to PAILLARD,  Switzerland became the 3rd
typewriter exporting country  behind only  USA and Germany.  In 1930 the
firm had also been manufacturing movie cameras:  The  »BOLEX«  was later
produced by the Austrian group EUMIG.  After fusion with PRECISA, beside
typewriters, also CALCULATORS were made in Switzerland, Germany & France
under the brand name  »PRECISA«.

R E M A R K ...
BABY = 3.4 kg  + COVER (= Aluminum ) = 0.4 kg  ( better than »GROMINA« )

© C.HAMANN          06/12/10