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     1990     PORTABLE  TYPEWRITERS     P I C T U R E   G A L L E R Y     


SN = 0140511
OLYMPIA (1995)
German QWERTZ keyboard
pica 10 cpi; 83 cpl
black/red ribbon
5 pre-setable tabs
»Power Space« key
w. hard-plastic case
8_3/4 lbs ;   4 kg

Historical Remarks ...

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R E M A R K S :
   In Summer'07 this typewriter was for sale in office machine shops for
                              150 EURO (NEW!)
   BUT, if lucky like me, you get it in a flea-market for 5 EURO (used)
                              B E C A U S E : 
   The pins, holding the lid, are easy to break in trying to open it for
                            CHANGING THE RIBBON
                   T H E   ( R E D )   S O L U T I O N : 
  !!!  Replace the pins by a more tough & flexible round material  !!!
© C.HAMANN            08/08/08