... After the Cover is removed  -  Obvious: it is a VICTOR !

... See the Arrow: The EXCENTER-SCREWs on both sides adjust
the Distance between Print-Cylinder and Fonts (= very sensitive !)
( AND: Only accessible, when the crank is pulled half-way )

(1) DETAIL: How to spool the Registration-Paper
(2) REMARK: To remove the CHAIN-DRIVE,
remove the big Tooth-Wheel together with the Cylinder-Axle
M O R E   R E M A R K S   T O   R E S T O R A T I O N  ...
  (a) BOTH LOCKS have to be OPEN !!!
  (b) PULL the HANDLE to open the Cash-Drawer; Pull-OUT the HANDLE
  (c) Remove the Cash-Drawer's RIGHT SLIDER (= 3 Screws )
  (d) Remove the CASH-DRAWER ( Observe the BELL in the slot ...)
  (e) With your RIGHT HAND unwind the 4 COVER-SCREWS and with your
      LEFT HAND ( in the drawer's slot !) hold the "NUTS" in place
  (f) LIFT the COVER ...

  ... Assembling in REVERSE ORDER

(2) LOCKS:
The McCaskey CashRegister came with only ONE left LOCK w/o KEY. The
right lock was missing.  NEW LOCKS  ( with different keys !) had to
be mechanically adapted ( NO DETAILS SHOWN !) ... The old lock (see
picture down) had 180°, the new ones have only 90° operation:

The LEFT one locks the opening of the REGISTRATION AREA
( normally LOCKED, key in  hands of the the owner !)
The RIGHT one locks the CASH DRAWER
( normally UN-Locked, key in  hands of the operator !)

The  PRINT-CYLINDER's  surface was damaged.  Its axle  could not be
removed, because the IMBUS-Screws were worn out.  With a DREMEL the 
screw-area was ground away.  To remove the cylinder, 1st the chain-
drive has to be removed (see picture above !). The cylinder got new
holes ( 90° angle !)  with threads  ( and new IMBUS-Screws ) on its
opposite side.  After filing  the cylinder's surface  even,  it was
discovered, that the  Cylinder-to-Fonts  Distance was too wide  and
not in the adjustable range ( see picture above !)  The solution: A
piece of an old bicycle tube was slipped over! For cosmetic reasons
the  ground away area  ( opposite the new screws )  was filled with
reisin.  After all cleaning/oiling effords, it was discovered, that
the slot  in the top  for the [Z] lever  is limited:  To allows its
operation, the red lever has to be turned "down" (s. picture below).
The beauty of the bakelite case could be restored with shoe polish.


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© C.HAMANN        05/08/13