... To Battery-Powered QUARTZ-CLOCK !!
From START ...
BRASS  SHIPS  CLOCK    » ROYAL MARINER «    SCHATZ / Germany  (1955)
My friend bought the clock in 2015 in an Antique Shop in California.
After  cleaning, oiling + tuning it worked again  9 years  ... 2024.
Inspection showed ... "LOOSELY GEARS" ... OhOh !! Consulting a local
ClockShop for repair/costs: "At least 400 US$" ... OhOh !!


D E C I S I O N   M A D E   =  M O D I F I C A T I O N  !!

===>>  ORDERED ( AA-Battery-Powered ) QUARTZ-CLOCK  & PARTS ...



[1st] Remove mechanical Clockwork ...
                     ... [2nd] Open BackSide for Battery-Access
                                             + Initial Time-Set
                       + [3rd] Install MOUNTING-BASE on Rear-Front
... to FINISH ...


                Back to the  » ROYAL MARINER «  VERSION ...
                Have a Look at ANOTHER VERSION ...
© C.HAMANN        03/09/24