T E C H N I C A L   D A T A   of the Mechanical Calculator  CURTA-1
*    CURTA-1  &  CURTA-2 ,  the world's   s m a l l e s t       *
*    full-functional   m e c h a n i c a l   calculators ...      *
*                                                                 *
*    Be sure to look at ...                                       *
*                                                                 *
*  ===>>> ,  Jan Meyer's  exciting Site ...         *
*     and                                                         *
*  ===>>>  SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Jan.2004, p.92-99, Cliff Stoll's  *
*          "The Curious History of the First Pocket Calculator"   *

Serial Number:   504507

Dimensions:      Diameter  =   2_1/2 " /   65 mm
                 Height    =   4_1/4 " /  110 mm

Weight:             12 oz  /  350 g  =  CURTA-2
                 4_1/2 oz  /  125 g  =  Metal Container

Mechanics:       System Curt Herzstark
                 Stepped Drum / Staffelwalze

Functions:       Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

Registers:       Input       =  11 Decimals
                 Counter     =   8 Decimals
                 Arithmetic  =  15 Decimals
                 CONTINA AG
                 Vaduz / Liechtenstein

H O W   T O   U S E   T H E   C U R T A - 2

                      See Chapter  » CURTA-2 «  ...
R E M A R K S :
The INPUT GEARS were blocked and had to be treated 1st with alcohol
to loosen and 2nd with sewing machine oil for its smooth movement.
OhOh! - The CURTA-2 made RANDOM CALCULATING ERRORS!  After opening
the top, "oxyd-dust" (???) found in the gears had to be removed.
A help was  »DISASSEMBLING A CURTA CALCULATOR«  by Greg.A.Saville,
found in the ...
The missing RED MARK on the crank is home-made of insulation pipe.
Assembling the top parts is tricky and had to be done in sequence
described in the CURTA-2 SERVICE MANUAL ...


© C.HAMANN        12/31/08