S E S S I O N S   MANTEL CLOCK  Forestville, Connecticut / USA  (1900)
This clock runs  8 Days with ( counter clockwise !!! )  full  wind-up.
One chime at HALF-HOURS  and  1, 2, 3 .. 12  chimes to the full hours.
The CENTER DIAL sets an  ALARM  for 1 .. 12 hours  in the future. See:

           INSIGHTS to INSIDE  &  R E S T O R A T I O N

HISTORICAL REMARKS  found  in  WIKIPEDIA  ( Status = 22nd April 2011 )

The Sessions Clock Company ("Sessions") was one of several notable
American clock companies centered in Connecticut. The E Ingraham
Clock Company, the New Haven Clock Company, the Seth Thomas Clock
Company, Sessions and its predecessor E.N. Welch Company, and the
Waterbury Clock Company collectively produced most of the mechanical
clocks made in America between the early 19th century and 1950.

About 1900, William E Sessions and other family members purchased a
controlling  interest in the E.N. Welch Company, a clock manufacturer
located in Forestville, Connecticut. Sessions' father owned a foundry
located in Bristol, Connecticut that produced cases for E.N Welch Co.
On January 9, 1903, the company was reorganized as The Sessions Clock

Within a few years the Sessions Clock Company was producing clock
movements, cases, dials, artwork and castings for their line of
mechanical clocks. Between 1903 and 1933 Sessions produced 52 models
of mechanical clocks, ranging from  Advertisers, large and small
clocks with logos of various businesses, to wall, or regulator clocks,
and shelf or mantel clocks, designed for the home. Many of the Session
clocks from this period are prized by collectors.

In 1930, the company expanded to produce electric clocks and timers
for radios, while continuing to produce traditional brass mechanical
movements. Beginning at the end of World War II Sessions W Model
(electric) was widely used by various casting companies for their
clocks. The dial of the W Model read Movement by Sessions. In the
early 1950s Sessions begin to produce timers for television.

In 1956, Sessions was absorbed by a company interested mainly in
their timing devices. In 1959, William K. Sessions, grandson of
William E. Sessions left the Sessions Clock Company and formed the
New England Clock Company. In 1960, one of the Sessions Clock
buildings was sold to the Bristol Instrument Gears Company.

Kept as the Sessions Company, the new owners ran the operation
until 1969 when changes in the market forced the Sessions Company
into liquidation. In 1970, the remaining buildings were sold to
Dabko Industries, a machine parts manufacturer.

© C.HAMANN          04/22/11