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Home-made TEST UNIT for the

A   T E S T - U N I T   for  the  SIEMENS & HALSKE   W A T T - M E T E R
Instead "Flying Wires Experiments" when demonstrating this beautiful S+H
Watt-Meter, I decided to build a  TEST-UNIT  in a re-used aluminum case.

In the picture above a gigant light bulb is tested: The Watt-Meter shows
40 Scale Units in Position "25 A" ( x 5 ) = 200 Watt as the result.

The following picture shows the TEST-Unit from its rear side ...


On its back side glued ...


... the  WIRE DIAGRAM  of the  » WATT-METER TESTER «

Two FIXTURES  ( E-14 and E-27 *)  for light bulbs and  a DUAL-POWER-PLUG
to test eg. Heaters  or  Fans  are mounted.  The GLOW-LAMP  on the right
indicates that power is connected.  The left SWITCH  allows to power the
object ( = OK ? ) before the ( colored ) measurement cables are plugged.

*)  R E M A R K :   "E"  in   E-14 / E-27   stands  for  "Edison"-Thread

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© C.HAMANN           03/10/12