RELIABLE TYPEWRITER & ADDING MACHINE CO., Chicago, Illinois / USA (1940) The adding machine came in a cardboard case with its stylus. ADDITION and SUBTRACTION are operated in the SAME SLOTS ADDITION with BIG Figures : -------------------------------------------------- When the figure is in the WHITE region PULL DOWN When the figure is in the RED region PUSH UPWARD with 10s-Carry in the UPPER REGION SUBTRACTION with SMALL Figures : -------------------------------------------------- When the figure is in the RED region PUSH UPWARD When the figure is in the WHITE region PULL DOWN 10s-Carry MUST BE DONE SEPERATELY! ======================== B o d y S i z e ( W * D * H ) = 3" * 4_3/4" * 1/8" ( = 76 mm * 120 mm * 4 mm ) impressum: ******************************************************************* © C.HAMANN 08/15/12