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( A beautiful Mix from Past & Present for the Future )

Clockwork: NEW HAVEN CLOCK CO.,  NewHeaven, Connecticut / USA  (~1900)
Housing:   WELCH, SPRING & CO., Forestville, Connecticut / USA  (1883)
          ( W = 12" / 31 cm ;  H = 19" / 48 cm ;  D = 6_1/4" / 16 cm )

This clock chimes the full hours  and  runs 8 days  with full wind-up: 
Left = ChimeWork (clockwise);  right = ClockWork (counter clockwise !) 

The clock came in desolate state:  The face had dents & scratches, the
clockwork wrong mounted,  the chime & hammer bent  and nothing worked.
After hours of cleaning, oiling  & tuning  the clockwork was restored.

The housing got a new black cardboard  glued on its back side to cover
the damaged areas.  The clockwork  was mounted  as strait as possible,
using existing holes.  Instead to make a new face (or find one) it was
decided to show the beauty of its brass clockwork:  A RING was made of
BRASS SHEET. The  FIGURE-MARKS  3, 6 ..  &  1, 2 ...  are made of IRON
STRIPS from a cat-food-can and coloured blue/black over a gas flame.

The sides have glass
and the clockwork
can be seen through

The old face,
damaged and faded,

is not longer used !



  ... FINE TUNING of PENDULUM-LENGHT (= TIME ) is shown on SCALE !

2 ALUMINUM DISCs enhance the visability of the SMALL + BIG HAND ...


           Another GrandMa Mantel Clock: SESSIONS (1900)

HISTORICAL REMARKS  ( also to the  WELCH CO. )  found in ...

The New Haven Clock Company started in 1853. They were incorporated to
produce cheap  brass movements  for the  Jerome Manufacturing Company.
Two years later, Jerome went bankrupt and  The New Haven Clock Company
purchased it. The company did well from the mid-1850's into the 1880's
manufacturing  complete clocks  and also a line of  inexpensive pocket
watches,  which  were produced  until 1956.  The company  made  French
clocks,  regulators,  wall  clocks,  cabinet clocks,  calendar clocks,
figurine clocks, and tall case clocks. NewHaven was one of the largest
clock  manufactures  in  America.  Financial  trouble  finally  caused
operations to cease in 1959. 

© C.HAMANN          06/06/21