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ARISTO - BISCHOLAR - LL   ( 25 cm Scales )

A R I S T O - Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany   (1974)

S C A L E S   of the  ARISTO  » BISCHOLAR-LL «    Model 0906LL
Front Side            [ inverse / RED ]              Back Side
ST      arc(0.01X)
T1      tan(0.1X); [cot(0.1X)]   L      lgX
T2      tan(X); [cot(X)]         K      X3
DF      πX                       A      X2
CF      πX                       B      X2
[CIF]   [1/πX]                   [BI]   [1/X2]
[CI]    [1/X]                    S      sin(0.1X); [cos(0.1X)]
C       X                        C      X
D       X                        D      X
[P]     [sqrt(1 - (0.1X)2)]      LL3    exp(X)
S       sin(0.1X); [cos(0.1X)]   LL2    exp(0.1X)
                                 LL1    exp(0.01X)
Production Code = 3LT40 = Geretsried, 1974, Lot 40

This slide rule came in a beige/red hard-cover case together
with an instruction booklet covering the models 0906 & 0906LL

                     Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN     05/05/11