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ARISTO   POCKET   RIETZ   ( 12.5 cm Scales )

ARISTO-Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany             (1955)
                                                      VERSION (A)

S C A L E S   of  the   ARISTO  POCKET    R I E T Z      Model 89
Front Side           [ inverse / RED ]                  Back Side
( 0 ...  13 cm Ruler )

K        X3
A        X2
B        X2                                    S        sin(0.1X)
[CI]     [1/X]                                 ST      arc(0.01X)
C        X                                     T        tan(0.1X)
D        X
L        lgX
                                              ( 0 ... 5"  Ruler )

R E M A R K S :                        (  1° = 60' ;   1' = 60" )

Version (A)
Production Code = G553 = Geretsried, 1955, Lot 3

W A R N I N G :  This slide rule came very dirty.  In the process
of cleaning  ( with mild warm soap water )  parts  of the   R E D
I N S C R I P T I O N   vanished ...

Version (B)
Production Code = G599 = Geretsried, 1959, Lot 9

The  LOGO  has changed. Ref. to the print on the back side and on
the brown leather case this Pocket Slide Rule was a gift from the
famous  » BORSIG «  company  in Berlin / Germany.


Version (C)
Production Code = GFF23 = Geretsried, 1966, Lot 23


Version (D)
Production Code = 3LT10 = Geretsried, 1974, Lot 10


Both versions have a ( 0 ... 14 cm RULER ) on front and  NO INCH-
RULER on its back side. The  LOGOS  have changed.  They came with
different MAGNIFIYING CURSORS in brown leather cases. Ref. to the
print on the back side:   Version (D)  was a gift from the famous
» AEG-TELEFUNKEN «  company in Berlin / Germany.

                   Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN       11/11/11