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( 25 cm Scales )

ARISTO-Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany             (1959)

S C A L E S  of  the   A R I S T O    E L E K T R O     Model 915
Front Side        [ inverse / RED ] or { GREEN }        Back Side
( 0 ...  28 cm Ruler )

K        X3
A        X2
B        X2                                     S      sin(0.1X)
[BI]     [1/X2]                                 ST     arc(0.01X)
[CI]     [1/X]                                  L      lgX
C        X                                      T      tan(0.1X)
D        X
LL3      exp(X)
LL2      exp(0.1X)
{D/M}    "Degree of EFFECTIVENESS" for DYNAMOs & MOTORs        *)
{ V }    "VOLTAGE DROP on Copper Wires"
                                              ( 0 ... 11" Ruler )
R E M A R K S :
                 Production Code = G596 = Geretsried, 1959, Lot 6

*)    {D/M} & {V}-Scales are keyed to A/B and ...
{D/M}-Scale  is shifted to   736 = kW/PS Conversion Factor
{ V }-Scale  is shifted to  57.2 = Copper Conductivity Factor

Historical Remarks ...

Unfortunately  this SR was found in a  Flea-Market  without case.

© C.HAMANN       04/22/12