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ARISTO - GEODAT   ( 25 cm Scales )
( 400g Version !)

ARISTO-Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany               (1965)
"MouseOver"  the cursor in the picture to get  DETAILED VIEWS  in a
POP-UP window ...

A T T E N T I O N :   This SR is a 400g ( "NEW-GRAD" )  Version  !!!
   sin( 0g ) = 0 ;   sin( 50g )    = 0.7071 ;   sin( 100g ) = 1 ;
   cos( 0g ) = 1 ;   cos( 66.67g ) = 0.5 ;      cos( 100g ) = 0 ;
   tan( 0g ) = 0 ;   tan( 50g )    = 1 ;        cot( 50g )  = 1

S C A L E S   of  the    A R I S T O   » G E O D A T «   Model 0958
Front Side :                      ( Copies from the User's Manual )


Back Side ( Tachymeter Side ) :


Production Code = HFO_2 = Hamburg, 1965, Lot 2

The slide rules is shielded in a grey hard-cover case together with
a 2-sided conversion table » Tabelle A, Okt.1962 «

                      Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN        02/25/12