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ARISTO - STUDIOLOG   ( 25 cm Scales )

ARISTO-Werke Dennert & Pape, Hamburg / Germany             (1971)

S C A L E S   of  the    ARISTO    » STUDIOLOG «       Model 0969
Front Side             [ inverse / RED ]                Back Side

                                         [LL00]    [exp(-0.001X)]
ST       arc(0.01X)                      [LL01]    [exp(-0.01X)]
T1       tan(0.1X);[cot(0.1X)]           [LL02]    [exp(-0.1X)]
T2       tan(X);[cot(X)]                 [LL03]    [exp(-X)]
DF       πX                              A         X2
CF       πX                              B         X2
[CIF]    [1/πX]                          [BI]      [1/X2]
                                         K         X3
S        sin(0.1X)                       L         lgX
[CI]     [1/X]                           [CI]      [1/X]
C        X                               C         X
D        X                               D         X
[DI]     [1/X]                           LL3       exp(X)
[P]      [sqrt(1 - (0.1X)2)]             LL2       exp(0.1X)
S        sin(0.1X);[cos(0.1X)]           LL1       exp(0.01X)
                                         LL0       exp(0.001X)
R E M A R K S :
Production Code = 2LR13 = Hamburg, 1971, Lot 13

The slide rules is shielded in a hard-cover case. A »1364« Ruler
with Conversion-Tables, Log-Scales and ( NZ = "Norm Zahlen" = )
"Standard Number Sequences" and two Stands (to clip on the
slide rule for comfortable reading!) belongs to the set together
with an instruction booklet.

There is an OLDER VERSION (A) in the Collection ...
Production Code = 2FE12 = Hamburg, 1968, Lot 12

Same Scales, but SMALLER CURSOR and the SR & CASE are SHORTER ...


                     Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN       10/23/12