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CONCISE   260   ( 95 mm Diameter )

CONCISE, Tokyo / Japan                                        (1970)

S C A L E S  of  the  CIRCULAR  SLIDE  RULE   » CONCISE  Model 260 «
Front Side             [ inverse / RED ]                   Back Side

D       X                outer circle               D     X
C       X                inner circles              S     sin(0.1X)
[CI]    [1/X]                                       T     tan(0.1X)
A       X2                                          ST    arc(0.01X)
K       X3                                          L     lgX

R E M A R K S :                           (  1° = 60' ;   1' = 60" )
The  TRIGONOMETRIC  SCALES  are divided in  MINUTES(')  & SECONDS(")

The INNER CIRCLE of the TRIG-SCALE is turnable, but the readings are
VALIDE ONLY, when the  "90" on "S"  is set to  "1" on "D".   Because
both "D"-Scales are clockwise,  there is no transfer to "A"-Scale on
the opposite side to SQUARE Trig-Functions. It has to be made in two
steps on the Trig-Side...     EXAMPLE:    [ sin(8°) ]2  ==>>  0.0194

This Circular SR came in a black soft-plastic case.

The CURSOR was broken and is now home-made ...    See Chapter "FAQs"

                      Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN         12/22/12